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Lower Duma Interconnection!?

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long time user, first time poster!

key information: i own the XR1000

My buddy has the XR500

bare with me here, i always play with optimal tuned QOS and Geo-Filter to the most stable configuration i can possibly get for COD MW. i usually average 60-85 ping in warzone which is reasonable and by all means playable, however when i connect with a buddy not far from me in Southern California  about almost 900 miles distance my ping is horrendous at 120-150 constant and games don't go well. now i know Lag Comp in game is mainly responsible i 1000% understand (i work for Geeksquad) *so i know my way around networking* . my main question is, is there any kind of way to lower our connection between us 2 in the DUMAOS? anyway to improve our overall connection, secondly is there a way to actually black list an entire area of the GEO map to disregard bad rerouting that eventually connects me to my friend?


**Side Note, HIs connection is usually 20-40 in game**


i know it seems like a strange way to find a solution but im at my wits end there has to be something with all this POWER! haha


thanks for any help!

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Sounds like we'd be best off adjusting your QoS settings here, can you manually deny the server you're usually connecting to, perhaps adjust your search Radius/Polygon to accommodate more servers and see if forcing a different server results in a different experience?

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