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XR500 Error with R-APPs after every first reboot

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Can you do a factory reset please and don't change any settings at all, then check it while it's still disconnected from the internet and see if it works?

I have apparently found the problem.

By setting the WIFI of the router with SSID (at home) to which all the devices are connected, the router goes crazy .... too many devices that connect i dont know.... .... leaving the WIFI with a different SSID so with zero devices that connect it works everything perfectly and I can restart and everything works.

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I noticed you gave it the Vodafone powerhub name/password? Was it the exact same details as that WiFi? Regardless well done for figuring it out and thanks for posting the solution! If you connect devices to the SSID now does it work?

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31 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I noticed you gave it the Vodafone powerhub name/password? Was it the exact same details as that WiFi? Regardless well done for figuring it out and thanks for posting the solution! If you connect devices to the SSID now does it work?

I set the WIFI exactly as it was in my Vodafone Station. In this way, all the devices connected autonomously by crashing the router.

I will now manually add all devices to the new SSID and let you know if everything works correctly. For now, with just a few devices, everything is ok!

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On 2/25/2021 at 11:06 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

I noticed you gave it the Vodafone powerhub name/password? Was it the exact same details as that WiFi? Regardless well done for figuring it out and thanks for posting the solution! If you connect devices to the SSID now does it work?

Sometimes the bug comes back, to solve it I turn off the WIFI and restart the modem. When UP returns I re-enable the wifi

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6 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Did you rename it back to that SSID or are you using a new one now?

Change the password of the SSID, reboot and then reset the password to the original.

In this way, after the reboot everything works quietly without any device connected to wifi.

From what I understand the MODEM shows the BUG when it restarts and too many WIFI devices or some type of devices connect via WIFI to the modem.

(this is the second modem with this beahviour)




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7 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Just the password and not the name? So you've manually reconnected each device to the new SSID?

just the password for block all devices to connect to the SSID...

after reboot reset the password so that all devices can connect

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7 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

If you just leave all the WiFi details default do you have the same issues?


if I restart the modem leaving all the normal settings and letting the devices connect automatically, R-App and all the other features of the modem no longer work....

For such a product it seems like a huge BUG.


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53 minutes ago, LightManeye said:


if I restart the modem leaving all the normal settings and letting the devices connect automatically, R-App and all the other features of the modem no longer work....

For such a product it seems like a huge BUG.


Wait, what do you mean exactly? After a reset, just completing the wizard and leaving everything at default what occurs exactly?

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Wait, what do you mean exactly? After a reset, just completing the wizard and leaving everything at default what occurs exactly?

If I accidentally restart the router or the electricity in the house fails, the BUG will come back. (IMAGE).

For resolve:

  • Change WIFI Password
  • Reboot the modem
  • Change WIFI Password (with the previous known by all devices)


Schermata 2021-03-01 alle 00.09.41.png

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Change your password, then go to System Information > Rapp panel options and change the retries to 5. Reboot the router from the interface, then see if next time it reboots/power fails for whatever reason whether you get the same issue.

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6 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Change your password, then go to System Information > Rapp panel options and change the retries to 5. Reboot the router from the interface, then see if next time it reboots/power fails for whatever reason whether you get the same issue.

yes, it fails


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17 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

So this happens immediately after a reset sometimes, it usually should resolve itself though after 10 minutes or so, does it not do this?

It happens immediately, it never resolves ... I also waited a few hours

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19 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

So this happens immediately after a reset sometimes, it usually should resolve itself though after 10 minutes or so, does it not do this?

There is a way to open a console debug and understand why the RPC goes to 500 error ?


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There isn't any console functionality in DumaOS currently, though it's something we can do and investigate on our side.

If this issue isn't going away you may need to downgrade back to a version that was stable for you while we look into it!

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7 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

There isn't any console functionality in DumaOS currently, though it's something we can do and investigate on our side.

If this issue isn't going away you may need to downgrade back to a version that was stable for you while we look into it!

I have tested many versions and nr.2 XR500 ...same issue.

Seems to be a kind a mix of devices (onWifi) that crashes the dumaos....

Endpoints that are called by the browser that are in error 500 return a JSON message with an error that you can't figure out what they are referring to?



{"id":31,"eid":"ERROR_UBUS","error":-32000,"msg":"Ubus error: 4"}





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7 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I have passed it on to the team to have a look at. 

Would you be able to provide a list of the devices you're connecting to the router?



2 x Windows PC
1 x Xbox Series X
1 x One X
1 x iPhone 12
1 x HP Printer
2 x LG Smart TV
1 x Samsung Smart TV
1 x Sky Decoder
1 x OnePlus 7 Pro smartphone 
1 x Nintendo Switch
1 x Motorola G7
3 x Wifi Cam
5 x Google Home Mini
1 x Stadia
2 x iPad
2 x Smart Lights
1 x Remote Mini 3 controller
1 x Smart Plug

Most on SSID 2.4

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