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Unauthorized Devices showing up on my Device List


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I’m showing about 4 iPhones on my device list that are not authorized. When I look at the MAC address it isn’t mine a well. It’s showing online and I can’t delete it even after I try blocking it. I’m hoping my PC wasn’t compromised. Please help.

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Do you have iPhones running the latest OS as it could be yours if so due to Apples MAC 


Insure you have a correct security setting ie WPA2 and a long complex password. If you reboot the router do they change to offline and then can you delete them. If in any doubt change your password but I’m guessing it’s a little hiccup.

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Seems like after the factory reset my devices went back to normal, but now my speeds are extremely slow and I keep losing connection. (Speed tests are around 300 down and 35 up. I average 947 down and 42 up) I plugged up my PC directly to the modem and I’m getting the speeds I’m supposed to. Also when I first did the update when I tried to log in, (after putting all the info in) it was on a continuous loop not loading the “R-App.”

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When I used the other server for a speed test it was pretty much my normal speeds. (935 down 40 up) The disconnects are Ethernet. It is connected to a pure modem. (No wifi) I did all troubleshooting steps with my ISP and we concluded it was the router. My signal was strong on their end and when I connected my PC directly to my modem, my speeds were where they were supposed to be.

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