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Random freeze! No Internet, No access to router settings page


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Got my Netduma R2 last Friday and after a quick setup it was working fine. 

But since Monday it freezes up and is not letting me connect to the internet or the dumaos/ (Gateway ip does als not work) 

Time is random yesterday it was around 6 pm today around 2pm.


The only thing i can do than is to restart the router and than it works fine again.

Same thing via Wi-Fi and LAN it's like you are not even connected to anything.

This is a new error since i switched to the Netduma with my old router everything was working fine.!


Thanks in advance

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

First I would suggest upgrading to the latest firmware here and then doing a factory reset:


It has a lot of fixes and so should be more stable in general. What is your exact physical setup?

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7 hours ago, DumaDuma said:

 it happened to me once as well. It was with the latest firmware. Maybe I will change my DHCP lease time to 168hrs? based on suggestion from other thread

Give that a crack and let us know the results, we can further troubleshoot from there.

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both LAN and Wifi downed last night again. i had to reboot the R2 then it worked again. this time i checked my PC (wired connection) under DHCP setting (reserved IP). Last time i just changed DHCP lease time (maybe i was doing wrong?)

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10 hours ago, DumaDuma said:

both LAN and Wifi downed last night again. i had to reboot the R2 then it worked again. this time i checked my PC (wired connection) under DHCP setting (reserved IP). Last time i just changed DHCP lease time (maybe i was doing wrong?)

The least time should have been fine but giving it a reserved IP will act as a backup just in case so do let us know if it happens again please.

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3 hours ago, DumaDuma said:

yes it works by rebooting but it happens 3 times since i wrote the comment which is whithin 1 day. I dont want to reboot that often. Hope it will be fixed or let us know the solution plz

In System Information in the Rapp panel options change the number of retries to 5 and then reboot, see if it goes longer without that happening please.

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7 hours ago, DumaDuma said:

drops not occuring so far since i reserved dhcp

rapp error msg does occur almost every time when i come back and waking up the pc

Is that multiple times a day? When it next happens, please do the following:

Click the 3 dot icon in the top right of the interface, go to advanced and then click Rapp performance please. Then go to the Advanced tab on the Window that appears. Click on the Memory (P) column so that it shows the highest value at the top and lowest at the bottom. Then however above the Rapp column until you see the option 'Show Kernel Values' appear, then click that. Once you've done that take a screenshot of the entire window please.

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