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Best QoS Switch for the XR1000?

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Imma gunna keep it real. The XR1000 feels delayed and horrible for cod. I have a ps4 so it could be why but I am tired of using it and having no real benefit from it.

What QoS switches can I use that are great with XR series and PS4/PS5

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Hey Fiefo,

How do you have your QoS configured currently? 

Do you have the Playstation profile filtering specifically for CoD, or have you instead selected "Choose manually" when setting up the profile?

Have you ran through the Auto-setup for QoS and correctly entered your speeds as provided by your ISP?

What do you have your Congestion control sliders set to? We typically suggest going for around 70% on both, but this varies person-to-person.

In Bandwidth allocation, ensure you've prioritised your console/'Gaming' over other traffic, in both Upload AND Download tabs.

It may also be worth adding your Playstation manually in the Traffic Prioritisation control panel, ensuring it's toggled on and then prioritising it in both Upload and Download tabs (Go to the three-line menu in Bandwidth allocation and switch over to "Devices" view.

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I’ve always used the PlayStation Device Manager option. 


Last night I Switched it to Computer for PS4. And it was by far, a cleaner experience. Night and day difference. Any reason why that might be? Does classifying the device change anything software wise?

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On 12/11/2020 at 6:58 PM, fiefo said:

I’ve always used the PlayStation Device Manager option. 

Last night I Switched it to Computer for PS4. And it was by far, a cleaner experience. Night and day difference. Any reason why that might be? Does classifying the device change anything software wise?

Did you then add it to the Geo-Filter with the CoD - PC option or was changing the device type the only change you made?

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Is there possibly any way to change outdated tech? QoS methods have been upgraded significantly since the old days. fq_codel is the best thing for gaming.... also xr1000 is bugged like crazy. It’s mostly on ng for literally double layering firmwares 

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3 minutes ago, fiefo said:

Is there possibly any way to change outdated tech? QoS methods have been upgraded significantly since the old days. fq_codel is the best thing for gaming.... also xr1000 is bugged like crazy. It’s mostly on ng for literally double layering firmwares 

Im having issues with qos as well my upload ping skyrocket and is garbage compared to the pings i saw on my netduma R2. Is there any fix?

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I had an R2 and it was the best for gaming IMO. R2 is the best for QoS since it has no additional firmware on top of the duma. Id say revert to .123 firmware. Keep the QoS settings simple, don’t go crazy with bufferbloat.Traffic prio port manual udp 1-65535 for s and D

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49 minutes ago, fiefo said:

I had an R2 and it was the best for gaming IMO. R2 is the best for QoS since it has no additional firmware on top of the duma. Id say revert to .123 firmware. Keep the QoS settings simple, don’t go crazy with bufferbloat.Traffic prio port manual udp 1-65535 for s and D

R2 is good But this xr1000 is garbage in qos my upload ping spikes sooo high

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Guest Killhippie
14 hours ago, fiefo said:

Is there possibly any way to change outdated tech? QoS methods have been upgraded significantly since the old days. fq_codel is the best thing for gaming.... also xr1000 is bugged like crazy. It’s mostly on ng for literally double layering firmwares 

You do realise that Netgear pay for the licences for Qualcomm and Broadcom drivers and also skyworks Wi-Fi drivers were appropriate, they are not cheap so the Netgear code keeps the routers base firmware in operation, eg power, switches, CPU, Wi-Fi drivers, USB ports etc anything on the PCB basically is run by Netgears code, take that away and the router would not function. That's why you have layered firmware, Netgears is there to control the hardware and Netduma's to add their gaming code on top.

 You seem to be confused slightly as to how this works. Also Netgear provide security patches for the hardware once again that's nothing to do with Netduma on these routers. The sandwich of firmware is needed as Netgear dont have a gaming solution like DumaOS and Netduma cannot probably afford the licences for Qualcomm and Broadcom SoC's let alone buy them in bulk. Even the R2 has a chipset from another vendor and Netduma are using open source drivers as I believe its cheaper than using MediaTek OEM ones.

 Netgear routers need two lots of firmware, the hardware is nothing to do with Netduma, I don't understand why you are blaming Netgear for making a router with two lots of firmware which is exactly what you bought and what Netduma and Netgear partnered up to create. Doing this firmware sandwich gives Netduma access to more powerful hardware without the cost.

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The Connection Benchmark Ping Under Load test is showing higher than expected at the moment but it does not mean that is what your connection will be like. It's highly unlikely to be that high so you can ignore that for now while we fix it.

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