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Extreme slow speeds when QOS enabled.

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Hi all I have just signed up to try and get some kind of help with my internet speeds and settings for the xr500. When qos is enabled my speeds are horrible. I pay for up to 100 down 2 up I generally sit between 50-70 down and 1-1.5 up with qos disabled. If I enable qos at times I’m getting 0-10 down and 0-0.3 up. Any help would be my much appreciated. I have latest firmware. Pc is wired and I play fortnite only on it. Packet loss is an issue spike up to 30% down.

This has been driving me insane and any help would be great

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Do you restrict your bandwidth with  anti bufferbloat?


If you only have 2mbit upload and you're not even getting that, leave upload at 100%.


To have a certain download speed, you need a certain amount of upload. For every TCP packet you download, the PC will send a acknowlage packet to the server. So one can't work without the other.

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No I don’t restrict bandwidth. 

I have used ping plotter numerous times over the last few months to try and find faults.

I no longer have an isp router. 

I have had 25 technicians out in the last 12 months. Brand new equipment from house to street. Cables, modem, face plates etc.

TBH i think it’s the isp in some way. There’s no congestion they have tested. My signal levels are good. 

There saying the logs could be saturating something? I don’t know Don’t understand any of it really. 

But now when I plug pc directly to modem speeds are still poor. So I’m guessing it’s gotta be isp.

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25 minutes ago, KILLSHOTJIMMY said:

No I don’t restrict bandwidth. 

I have used ping plotter numerous times over the last few months to try and find faults.

I no longer have an isp router. 

I have had 25 technicians out in the last 12 months. Brand new equipment from house to street. Cables, modem, face plates etc.

TBH i think it’s the isp in some way. There’s no congestion they have tested. My signal levels are good. 

There saying the logs could be saturating something? I don’t know Don’t understand any of it really. 

But now when I plug pc directly to modem speeds are still poor. So I’m guessing it’s gotta be isp.

Ah sorry I had not seen your other posts about testing with PingPlotter.

Did you see the packet loss while testing with PP? if so then you could show your ISP if you have not already.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

If you're plugging direct into the modem and the speeds are not where they should be then it is probably an issue with the ISP. However, on the QoS page what bandwidth do you have entered into Anti-Bufferbloats' options? Are you lowering Anti-BB at all, using Bandwidth Allocation or Traffic Prioritization?

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You need to scrap all the hops from the plot except the the last destination hop and re post the results.

Routers at an hop are programmed sometimes to drop ICMP ping requests leading to what looks like problems. All you have to concentrate on is the final hop.


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Thanks for your reply. I have been told also though that if this problems start in hop 2 and carry on all the way to final destination  that hop 2 is the problem is this correct. I have been running ping plotter nearly 24 hours and it seems all my problems start at hop 2 and carry on all the way to final hop? Am I understanding this correctly?

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You do have an issue that is making it to the destination in this plot.

That is correct information about the problem starting at a hop and reaching the destination then there is an issue.

To rule out a Google server issue try a plot to twitter.com.

Can you post the plot with only the destination hop in the plot at the bottom of the GUI please.


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