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MW 1.07 not filtering games


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Since the 1.07 modern warfare patch there is absolutely no filtering happening. Pre-patch it was okay now even when I set the minimum radius on the geo filter I get connected to peers outside the filter. As an aside very little dedicated servers are connected through the 24/7 playlist I got connected to some host in the middle of the US. 

more info: xbox, crossplay disabled (no difference enabled), Strict mode, minKM (111km), PA set to 7ms (recommended no difference), location Ireland (get connected to peers UK, Germany, France etc)
edit since the 1.07 patch NAT type in game is moderate also which seems incorrect as xbox say open.

Played yesterday and it would also connect to peers in the UK but I had the geo set for it to connect. The odd time it would connect to dedi in Germay but through the dedi in UK. I'm connecting to more peers than anything else today even away from the 24/7 playlist. I also tried setting the PA to 0 and it would still auto ping hosts outside the range (don't think I've ever been host in a game).

example attached


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Okay that's weird. You've set Ping Assist to zero? You certainly shouldn't be seeing any peers outside of your radius being allowed when Ping Assist isn't active.

Have you restarted your router recently? Have you done a factory reset since the most recent version update?


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Oh well that's all great.

I don't know why it switched to spectate mode though, I think it's supposed to stay as it is...

That said, maybe it makes sense for it to switch to spectate, because if somebody forgets that they set the geo-filter to Filtering Mode, they might restart their router when they experience blocked servers unexpectedly.

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5 hours ago, Netduma Alex said:

Oh well that's all great.

I don't know why it switched to spectate mode though, I think it's supposed to stay as it is...

That said, maybe it makes sense for it to switch to spectate, because if somebody forgets that they set the geo-filter to Filtering Mode, they might restart their router when they experience blocked servers unexpectedly.

Not sure myself though the reason I say it is it could also be a bug.

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22 minutes ago, dionysus said:

The latest patch seems to have done the same again! Servers or peers outside filter range got through, reboot required. Spectate mode was not enabled after the reboot this time.

Are they being allowed through Ping Assist even though you've set your ping low?

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Had to increase PA after the reboot yesterday, have it set to 26 now, no fast search. They seemed to be the game I had (false peer) was located in Denmark outside the filter and ping range (37 auto ping). Usually auto ping in a game (London dedi) will be anywhere from 22-35ms. I see packet loss icon now and again, but probably down to the server. 

Pinging a random server in London yields 20-27 ping but setting PA to <25 will not connect anywhere inside or outside the filter. Seems about right! My base ping is 6ms, wish there was a server closer!

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With PA at 0 it takes a lot longer to search even with London being in radius, didn't connect outside radius but I only searched a couple of games, keeps placing me in a lobby on my own 🙄 also then searching for another lobby. Better connection / quicker search with PA set.

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How big is your radius? Make it 1000km as thats really the minimum I would suggest to ensure you get a few servers within the radius. Perhaps even move your location to encompass a few locations where you know there are servers.

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