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MODERN WARFARE. Some thoughts.


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For me black ops 3 was the best netcode a CoD ever had ! What is really strange is a friend of mine had really bad problems in black ops 3 but was rocking Infinite warfare ! For me it was vice versa. 
Right now I played two rounds of mw after the newest patch and it seems that it got worst ... after the second game I went offline ! For me this game is absolute garbage ! Maybe I will sell the game and wait for the next one ! At this moment this game is far from being enjoyable for me and I don’t want to play a game completely frustrated and angry just to see some mofos instakilling me the whole time while I can’t kill anyone !

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15 hours ago, N3CR0 said:

The netcode in Black Ops 4 and 3 was no better, they weren't IW games ;)

I believe that Activision owns some networking companies that do the netcode for all CoD games, so similarities between different developer's multiplayer games shouldn't be a surprise.

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15 hours ago, DARTHXX said:

For me black ops 3 was the best netcode a CoD ever had ! What is really strange is a friend of mine had really bad problems in black ops 3 but was rocking Infinite warfare ! For me it was vice versa. 
Right now I played two rounds of mw after the newest patch and it seems that it got worst ... after the second game I went offline ! For me this game is absolute garbage ! Maybe I will sell the game and wait for the next one ! At this moment this game is far from being enjoyable for me and I don’t want to play a game completely frustrated and angry just to see some mofos instakilling me the whole time while I can’t kill anyone !

I had more 'shoot first, die first' and sponging than any other CoD with Black Ops 3. It was unplayable for me.

Infinite Warfare so way better for me.

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And that is what i dont understand that for some the netcode is better and for others is bad ...

As is said I had a friend that had the same problems as you in Blops 3 but had a good time in IW.

For me it was completely different, i had a nice time in Blops 3 and could not kill anyone in IW.

Would like to know the reasons for this...

Right at the moment i have again a bad time and i feel like i am behind nearly every enemy...

Like i am a second behind what is happening. This way this game is just unplayable and unfair for me.


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So I play Modern Warfare on PC only but I sometimes connect lobbies with friends on xbox & this is what I've noticed..

Solo queuing 10v10 & smaller game modes (Filtering):

  • More frequently being pushed to servers outside my range (suspect seems to be a Demonserver located in Ireland)
  • Maybe ONE person might show up inside my set 'range' yet I assume that is myself due to the location of the person
  • If my own location or no one else populates in my 'range' then a server icon will be located within the range (assuming the geo-filter is confusing a server with a host)
  • Ping shows typically 30ms but the lobby doesn't play like 30ms since the jitter rate might be through the roof due to experiencing packet gain or loss spikes (which is no good)


Solo queuing 10v10 & smaller game modes (No filtering):

  • Not as frequently will the match making push me to a server in Ireland. I've had it a few times make an attempt too then it throws me back in the US (somewhere down south, Georgia)
  • More players populate on my map but obviously at this point they are outside my 'range' ( yes filtering is off, so this is going to happen)
  • More servers in the USA populate while the ONE in Ireland flickers on and off
  • Ping shows around 25-30ms; yet it seems 50/50 on being complete shit connections or stable that the game does reward for getting hit markers on targets.


Joining a friend on xbox queuing 10v10 & smaller games (No filtering):

  • The only servers that populate on the geo-filter map are always in the US
  • Most players that populate on the map are actually within my 'range' ( I am assuming since my xbox friends are all local to me, it is picking up and prioritizing the xbox on that server better then a PC)
  • Ping shows as low as 10ms sometimes (never seen this on PC only matching), on average I'd say its 15-20ms
  • Brutal night & day difference that almost every game is a stable connection ( yes the lobby is a mix of PC/console, but its so much better playing MW this way on PC)


Out of all three of these scenarios (being a PC player) joining a xbox (console) lobby to match make through, seems to be my best option for stabilizing my PvP experience on Modern Warfare. Now the only thing I am not sure about in the above scenarios is if match making is based off skill or connection because when I played with my friends on xbox I would constantly be top fragging the scoreboard with decent KD but typically and consistently 2nd or 3rd most kills in the game. Now when I didn't join a friend on xbox and solo queued with or without filtering I would (75%) of the time bottom frag with lack luster amount of kills due to losing 1v1 when I had the jump or not.


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