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Leto as the Joker -- "Suicide Squad"


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I don't care about the Joker.  Leto is talented, and while he looks like a waif, the guy will go balls deep in the role and make it memorable.


All I care about is Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn.  *insert drool cup*





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  On 7/13/2015 at 10:05 PM, bagsta69 said:

I'd buy THAT for a Dollar.


Bath water?  I'd drink it.

Broken Glass?  I'd crawl through it.


That chick is HAWT, and as Harley Quinn?  Let's just say the "Full Girlfriend Experience" for that number would be a 4 figure ride, easy.  ;)

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Really excited for this film too.  They rarely live up to the hype, but hope this at least gets close.


And some of you should be ashamed of yourselves!  Talking in such tones about the wonderfully talented actress, Ms Margot Robbie.


Mmmm... Harleys Quim     :D



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  On 7/13/2015 at 9:33 PM, Dillinger said:

Leto is talented, and while he looks like a waif, the guy will go balls deep in the role and make it memorable.



And back on topic....


Okay, Leto is looking at a lose/lose situation here if I stop and actually think this through for a few moments.  If he falls flat, everyone will say he didn't take the role seriously, or took it for the wrong reasons, and Heath Ledger will remain the standard by which the role is "currently" judged.  (Nickelson was still a pretty good Joker back in the day, but the movies weren't as dark.)


If Leto rocks it, there will be a backlash of the people who have romanticized the Ledger role and resent the "re-interpretation" being so close to the tragic event.


Now I think the guy is probably one of the really great young actors of this current crop, and I suspect he is going to go dark and really go for it.  If he converts some people, he will ALWAYS have income from guest spots and autograph sessions at future Comic Cons as the "retirement, low lights" as they say.


From what I have seen thus far, I think this movie is going to do REALLY well at the box office.  Superman vs. Batman is going to destroy the box office, and Affleck is slated to direct, and star, in his own Batman epic the year after S vs. B comes out in 2016.  There are strong hints that Batman's character in S vs. B is going to be "haunted" by an adversary that won't be revealed until late in the movie.


My hope is Leto rocks the Joker character and Affleck & Co want to keep that character arc going, but we will see.

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Affleck is going to have to do something extraordinary in front of the camera to win me over.  I really, really don't like the bloke.  When I realised it wasn't a joke, I think a little piece of me died when I heard the news he was playing the B-man.  


I'm not saying I dislike all the films he's been in.  I dunno... his smug, shit-eating grin doesn't help.  Ugh.

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  On 7/14/2015 at 6:47 PM, Dirty Dog said:


Affleck is going to have to do something extraordinary in front of the camera to win me over.  I really, really don't like the bloke.  When I realised it wasn't a joke, I think a little piece of me died when I heard the news he was playing the B-man.  
I'm not saying I dislike all the films he's been in.  I dunno... his smug, shit-eating grin doesn't help.  Ugh.



I don't disagree with you.  He's a guy that can go from someone I "kind of/meh" can take or leave, to someone I want to see suffer some serious "deceleration trauma", if you know what I mean.   ;)


I will say this, the new Batsuit (duct tape or not) looks pretty bad ass and keeps with Nolan's vision of a "darker" Dark Knight character.

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  On 7/14/2015 at 7:34 PM, Zennon said:

Affleck is very one dimentional in all his films, Clint Eastwood used to do that but he was cool with it.


Eastwood had a presence.  Eastwood "looked" like the type of guy who would take a swing at you if you started talking shit, he wasn't going to wait for cooler heads to prevail.


Affleck has moments, but I truly think his best days are going to be in the very near future behind the camera.  "The Town" was a great movie.  Very gritty, but it was practically filmed in his backyard and he has always "gotten" the Boston tough-guy act.  "Argo" was a cool story, but it was one hell of a good movie from a technical standpoint.  That thing cleaned up in award shows for everyone involved and if that is what he is capable of, I look forward to his future endeavors as "Director".

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