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after the recent update this issue still exist. when a device is offline and when trying to remove it, it states that it's still online. plus the Ethernet ports are still backwards. i understand that it doesn't affect performance but still for a expensive router when are these going to be addressed? not trying to be rude just confused.




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The recent update didn't include major fixes, you can see the change log here: 

I can't give you any deadlines unfortunately but we will of course be working on these. Also just to double check regarding devices, after 5 minutes of being offline do they still have an IP address? If not then you should be able to delete them, you just may not be able to delete them right away.

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While this issue itself may not impact performance. I tend to disagree its just a visual. Because really no one can say for absolute certainty it is just a visual and doesn't impact performance in some manner. How do we know if the module that tells device manager what devices that are online and off doesn't also send information to other things like QoS. Also how can we also say for certainty that the miss labeled Ethernet ports are not conflicting with QoS tagging. Another thing when a device is online and yet device manager shows it offline how do we know if QoS is being tagged properly there.. We cant.. Not until these issues are address can we make any what so ever conclusions. Also upnp still has its own issues as well.. Upnp falls into a stale state and never updates after the first initial request. There after it also stays active even when the said device has been offline for days.. That also cant be said that it doesn't effect some sort of performance issue until fixed. Way to many variables here that are being left unchecked for far to long. There needs to be some accountability on these issues. No more waiting months on end.. This is just absolutely a shame..


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As far as I am aware most of these of front end bugs that just have an affect on the interface not behind the scenes. UPnP i've tested myself and it sometimes won't show it has updated but it does on the backend. I'm confident these will be resolved and that there shouldn't be an adverse affect at the moment on overall performance.

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On 8/26/2019 at 2:09 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

As far as I am aware most of these of front end bugs that just have an affect on the interface not behind the scenes. UPnP i've tested myself and it sometimes won't show it has updated but it does on the backend. I'm confident these will be resolved and that there shouldn't be an adverse affect at the moment on overall performance.

Hey Fraser, Is there away I can access this backend to verify? Or how is it your seeing this?



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