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Way slower speeds on router than directly connected to modem

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I just purchased an XR500 and was so excited to set it up as I have been wanting one for a while now. I finally got everything setup with Xfinity (ugh, I know) and did a speedtest and I'm not even breaking 90mbps download. My plan is 1000mbps. When directly connecting to my modem I'm getting around 400mbps, but when I plug into my router (hardwired to PC with a Cat7 cable) I get no more than 90mbps.

Any advice? I went through a guide that I found and nothing seemed to help.

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Welcome to the forum. What modem do you have? Qos enabled? What firmware on router? If it's a router/modem from xfinity, you have to put it in bridge mode. If it's just a modem, reset the modem with a paperclip. If there's no reset button, unplug it for 10 minutes. That will allow the modem to reprovision the routers Mac address. Turn off qos and bufferbloat.

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Hey @Sunaikinti thanks for the warm welcome!

I have a SURFBoard SB8200. It's my own, not from Xfinity.

My XR500 does have QoS enabled at the moment, but I disabled it and tried the speedtest again and there was no luck last night. I'm on the most up-to-date Firmware.

I'm at work now, but when I get home later I will try the modem reset and then report back. Thanks for the help!

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12 hours ago, ToastyJ said:

I just purchased an XR500 and was so excited to set it up as I have been wanting one for a while now. I finally got everything setup with Xfinity (ugh, I know) and did a speedtest and I'm not even breaking 90mbps download. My plan is 1000mbps. When directly connecting to my modem I'm getting around 400mbps, but when I plug into my router (hardwired to PC with a Cat7 cable) I get no more than 90mbps.


The Factory Reset it's optional but it will make sure that everything will be reset to the default. If you want to do the Factory Reset:

  • Press and hold the physical button "Reset" for 30 seconds on the XR700 or with the DumaOS -> Settings -> Administration -> Backup Settings -> Erase.

Then make sure these 3 settings are set correctly:

  • Bandwidth Allocation - Download and Upload must have a "REST DISTRIBUTION" on both so you can get a distribution equal number on every devices.
  • Anti-Bufferbloat -> Hamburger Button (Options) -> Disabled QoS.
  • Anti-Bufferbloat -> Apply: Never -> Download and Upload set at 100% 

Do your speed test on your ISP Speedtest or at Speedtest.net and you should see your 1000Mbps.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

It's worth noting that sometimes new routers don't play nice with your connection for a few days and a way around this is to use the MAC address from the old router you had and put that in the Internet Setup page for the XR500 to use instead so I would try that if that suggestions already don't resolve the issue.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

It's worth noting that sometimes new routers don't play nice with your connection for a few days and a way around this is to use the MAC address from the old router you had and put that in the Internet Setup page for the XR500 to use instead so I would try that if that suggestions already don't resolve the issue.

Resetting the modem will pull a new Mac from the router. I had to do this when I got the xr500.

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4 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

It's worth noting that sometimes new routers don't play nice with your connection for a few days and a way around this is to use the MAC address from the old router you had and put that in the Internet Setup page for the XR500 to use instead so I would try that if that suggestions already don't resolve the issue.

So I don't think this is a problem because both the router and the modem are brand new, as previously there was a modem/router combo rented from xfinity being used. I do appreciate the suggestion though. I did as @Sunaikinti recommended and hit the reset button on my modem while my router was on. I also Disabled QoS and adjusted the bufferfloat as outlined above and now I am getting about 100mbps down, which is slightly more but still 1/10th of what I'm paying for. While I totally get that I'll not likely get the full 1gbps, I still would like to see more than 1/10th of it of course lol.



6 hours ago, Donovan said:


The Factory Reset it's optional but it will make sure that everything will be reset to the default. If you want to do the Factory Reset:

  • Press and hold the physical button "Reset" for 30 seconds on the XR700 or with the DumaOS -> Settings -> Administration -> Backup Settings -> Erase.

Then make sure these 3 settings are set correctly:

  • Bandwidth Allocation - Download and Upload must have a "REST DISTRIBUTION" on both so you can get a distribution equal number on every devices.
  • Anti-Bufferbloat -> Hamburger Button (Options) -> Disabled QoS.
  • Anti-Bufferbloat -> Apply: Never -> Download and Upload set at 100% 

Do your speed test on your ISP Speedtest or at Speedtest.net and you should see your 1000Mbps.

Did end up adjusting the QoS settings but I haven't done a factory reset yet. I'm going to try a factory reset if there's nothing else to do. I've been avoiding that. I hope I can figure it out with the QoS though, because I really don't want to not have the QoS features, that's like half the reason I bought this router!

Thanks for you're help everyone, I'm open to any other suggestions.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Did you disable QoS from the Anti-Bufferbloat options menu? Also prior to this had you entered your expected speeds in the bandwidth options in the Anti-Bufferbloat menu?

Yes I did do that. However, see below.

12 minutes ago, Sunaikinti said:

When you got the sb8200, did you call xfinity and have it provisioned? That way they can push the configuration file to the modem. I'm sure you did, just asking.

I called to activate the new modem, but I guess they didn't provision it. I just called again and they did the provisioning and now my speeds have jumped up I'm averaging in the 300-400 range when I disable QoS. It goes down when I enable it, but I assume that's by design. Tested direct connect to the modem and was getting in the mid 400s so there is a lot less disparity now. So now I just have to make sure comcast provides me what I'm paying for, wish me luck there ;)

Thanks for the help everyone. I'll be sure to hang out on the forums some and post again if things go awry.

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Just for clarification and peace of mind:

QoS being on should be lowering speeds from a speedtest since it's allocating bandwidth across devices, right?

My ongoing fear is that I'm putting in my total bandwidth in as 1000mbps but if I don't get close to that it will screw up the calculations of the anti-bufferbloat and bandwidth allocation and what not.

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Well the QoS uses some processing power so that could explain a small amount of speed loss. Anti-bufferbloat would account for the most speed loss as the intention of this feature is to reduce speed to prevent packet loss.

Bandwidth allocation shouldn't affect speed unless the priority device is active. If you have Share Excess disabled, the speed will be harshly affected by this, so it's recommended to keep Share Excess turned on unless you know exactly how much bandwidth you want to give to each device.

I would personally turn QoS on, reset both download and upload distribution, enable share excess for both download and upload, turn bufferbloat to 100 and press Never, disable any prioritization rules, THEN with your current device as the only one connected, do a speedtest, and put this in as the maximum bandwidth setting.

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