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Apex legends will not work with Geo Filter


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Commencez d'abord par le guide de qualité de service optimal et si ce n'est pas mieux, nous pouvons vous aider à le peaufiner.
First start with the optimal QoS guide and if it isn't any better then we can help you fine tune it.


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pb2.thumb.jpg.ff0cdf6327f8ff432815b72ee2678a0c.jpgbonjour, j'ai suivi le guide avec les mêmes réglages mais sans succès. 

Le jeu est lourd, j'ai l'impression de ne pas courir vite, le temps de réaction est élevé, les frappes et chocs sont bizarres. Bref ce n'est pas fluide, et ça ne viens pas de ma configuration PC qui est très bonne. ( 2080 super, i9....)  .

J'ai comme réglages : Mon pc (mode console) en filtrage / Antibufferbloat 70% / Ajouter tout les ports tcp udp de apex legends / vider le cache de origin / démarrer le jeu en mode administrateur / J'ai les même problème que je sois connecté soit avec le routeur netgear sur ma box ou bien en partage de 4G c'est pareil.. . Mes amis ont de bonnes connexion et ils n'ont pas à faire tout cela comme réglage..


Quand je fais un test sur les serveurs EA avec cette commande "tracert easo.ea.com" j'ai ceci

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Quel a été le pourcentage qui a le plus réduit le ping lorsque votre connexion a atteint son maximum? Je suis surpris que ce soit exactement 70%. TOUS les appareils sont-ils connectés au routeur? Ce serveur est une adresse IP américaine, ce qui explique pourquoi le ping est élevé, est-ce le serveur auquel vous vous connectez? Quel ping obtenez-vous au jeu montré par le Geo-Filter? Cela fait beaucoup de règles, je voudrais simplement les supprimer, désactiver les jeux classés DumaOS et ajouter le PC avec le service de console de jeu.
What did you find was the percentage that lowered the ping the most when your connection was maxed out? I'm surprised that it was exactly 70%. Are ALL devices connected to the router? That server is a US IP so that explains why the ping is high, is that the server you're connecting to? What ping are you getting to the game shown by the Geo-Filter? That is a lot of rules, I would just remove them, disable DumaOS Classified Games and add the PC with the game console service.

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Im in the Uk and i have just done a tracert test and i get redirect to the same US server aswell.


Tracing route to easo.ea.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2    10 ms    11 ms     8 ms
  3    12 ms    13 ms    11 ms  gate-core-2a-xe-704-0.network.virginmedia.net []
  4     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  6    24 ms    23 ms    24 ms  86.85-254-62.static.virginmediabusiness.co.uk []
  7    23 ms    25 ms    24 ms
  8    32 ms    28 ms    23 ms  ae11.mpr2.lhr2.uk.zip.zayo.com []
  9     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 10   104 ms    99 ms     *     ae5.cs3.lga5.us.eth.zayo.com []
 11    96 ms    97 ms     *     ae4.cs1.dca2.us.eth.zayo.com []
 12   100 ms   108 ms     *     ae27.cr1.dca2.us.zip.zayo.com []
 13    95 ms    96 ms     *     ae22.er2.iad10.us.zip.zayo.com []
 14    96 ms    94 ms     * []
 15    97 ms    96 ms     *
 16    96 ms   101 ms    97 ms
 17     *       96 ms    94 ms  da2.gos.ea.com []

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23 hours ago, migueltaveras6 said:

Yes only with Apex at the moment it's frustrating. I could only play if I have it on spectating mode.

Do you see anything blocked at all when you try to play in Filtering Mode? If so allow it, does it work then?

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Glad i found this forum. Man I've googled every single word to get my desired topic. And finally found it.

Okay so same thing is happening with me but i have something to add to the list. Most of the time when i leave a game, i get a code leaf error and after that i wont let me connect to the server.

And there is nothing blocked on the screen.

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13 hours ago, Eefo said:

Glad i found this forum. Man I've googled every single word to get my desired topic. And finally found it.

Okay so same thing is happening with me but i have something to add to the list. Most of the time when i leave a game, i get a code leaf error and after that i wont let me connect to the server.

And there is nothing blocked on the screen.

Are you completely zoomed out of the map? It may appear and disappear very quickly, you'd have to look as soon as the error appeared. There must be something even if it shows briefly as otherwise the Geo-Filter isn't blocking anything to cause that error.

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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Are you completely zoomed out of the map? It may appear and disappear very quickly, you'd have to look as soon as the error appeared. There must be something even if it shows briefly as otherwise the Geo-Filter isn't blocking anything to cause that error.

Will give it a go with full zoomed out


EDIT: so just gave it a go and this is what happened on geo filter with code leaf error. And my home location is Connecticut near new york. 



Another code leaf error and the screenshot


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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Fantastic, well done for capturing them! Would you be able to ping them and get the IDs? Then we can add them to our whitelist cloud so that it doesn't happen anymore.







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Thank you, in future could you copy/paste the IDs and then put them in this form? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoFZ8Yq6glCm2EzoV--qIWY6J4SCAufyVwTkGAkFDQ6x7ytw/viewform

That will save us from having to go through pictures and typing out the IDs. I've done these ones for you.

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thank you, in future could you copy/paste the IDs and then put them in this form? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoFZ8Yq6glCm2EzoV--qIWY6J4SCAufyVwTkGAkFDQ6x7ytw/viewform

That will save us from having to go through pictures and typing out the IDs. I've done these ones for you.

Sure man, anything for the community.

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2 hours ago, Buckeye Purple said:

Fraser what do i need to give you info, i just want to play on the london server but same as the rest you are kicked after a match and can't get back on the server.

I second that, after each game, almost each game i am getting code leaf error, but it lets me connect again but not all the times.

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3 hours ago, Buckeye Purple said:

Fraser what do i need to give you info, i just want to play on the london server but same as the rest you are kicked after a match and can't get back on the server.

58 minutes ago, Eefo said:

I second that, after each game, almost each game i am getting code leaf error, but it lets me connect again but not all the times.

If you can do the above and look at the map immediately as you're getting kicked then first allow them,  you may have to do it a few times but then that should prevent you from being kicked. Then if you can get the IDs and put them in the form we can fix that.


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2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

If you can do the above and look at the map immediately as you're getting kicked then first allow them,  you may have to do it a few times but then that should prevent you from being kicked. Then if you can get the IDs and put them in the form we can fix that.


There is a small issue, i have few hosts Overlapping each other, them ones are hard to get the IDS of. But still adding what ever i can find

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5 minutes ago, Eefo said:

There is a small issue, i have few hosts Overlapping each other, them ones are hard to get the IDS of. But still adding what ever i can find

Try and zoom in as much as possible, they may be easier to differentiate then.

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32 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Try and zoom in as much as possible, they may be easier to differentiate then.

You can only see two in this pic, but now it shows about 4 to 5 overlapping each other. But still I'll try and get IDs 




P.S just a quick question, isn't it possible to add an option to allow users to add hosts to whitelist?

Just wondering.

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You should be able to zoom in further than that and then they may be more viewable. Well the allow list is sort of like that, the whitelist we do just does it automatically so you don't have to do this yourself - only in circumstances where we haven't yet got the servers in the cloud.

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23 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

You should be able to zoom in further than that and then they may be more viewable. Well the allow list is sort of like that, the whitelist we do just does it automatically so you don't have to do this yourself - only in circumstances where we haven't yet got the servers in the cloud.

I've added as many as i could find.

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54 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thank you very much, we really appreciate the help!

You're most welcome.

Have you whitelisted the ones posted already or still in process?

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52 minutes ago, Eefo said:

You're most welcome.

Have you whitelisted the ones posted already or still in process?

No not yet, I'm not sure when it will be done, hopefully some time next week but we're in heavy testing mode at the moment for 3.0.

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