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Nintendo switch not detected in geofilter on the netgear nighthawk XR500

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hi i have a quick question does anyone know why my Netgear XR500 is not detecting my Nintendo switch in the Geoblock settings even though it is detected as a Nintendo switch? I have also tried setting it as a Nintendo WII with the same results. I have also tried factory reset with the same results.

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try setting it as a console, that corrects the issue with a pc so I assume it will work in your case......This is under review and should be sorted soon in a fiuture firmware update!

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I Have tried setting it as an xbox/ps4  and also tried changing it to WII as others have suggested with the same Result  it works fine with an actual xbox so i assume it must be a problem with duma os not detecting switch traffic which is strange.

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  • Netduma Staff
2 hours ago, mark11111112 said:

I Have tried setting it as an xbox/ps4  and also tried changing it to WII as others have suggested with the same Result  it works fine with an actual xbox so i assume it must be a problem with duma os not detecting switch traffic which is strange.

Hmm, seems strange. We do allow you to manually add items to Traffic Prioritisation since it's not perfect - maybe try clicking 'add device' and adding all the Switch ports to it and see if it works when you're gaming.

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the problem with that is Nintendo switch different games use different ports and Nintendo suggest opening ports 1 - 65535 (https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/22272/~/how-to-set-up-a-routers-port-forwarding-for-a-nintendo-switch-console) which is a huge security risk. I tried adding ports 1 - 65535 to the QoS but no dice. I have even tried different games tetris 99, poken tournament DX,  splatoon 2, and nothing comes up.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Please try this: 

  1. Hard turn off the switch (hold down the power button and you'll have the option to shutdown)
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Set device to PS4 or Xbox in the Device Manager
  4. Flush the cloud in the Geo-Filter Map options
  5. Wait 2 minutes
  6. Re-add device to Geo-Filter
  7. Turn on the Switch and search for a game - keep in mind it will only show icons on the map when you're searching for a game
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Interesting, with the Geo-Filter enabled for the game does it still allow you to get matches? May be a silly question but I always thought tetris was a single player game, do they have a matchmaking system?

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