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Worth it to get a nighthawk

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This might seem redundant but I was thinking about getting a nighthawk to go along with my setup. Currently I have my Verizon router going to my netduma. Would there be any benefit at all of incoporating a nighthawk in between the two?

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The Nighthawk is great for your other devices it is a great wireless router. Cranium can expand on this router.

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I can only see a few reasons why you would want to get It. 1. For wireless devices that support 5 GHz 2. For wireless devices the support AC wireless. 3. To expand coverage. But I wouldn't literally put it in between the two I would do modem> Netduma> nighthawk.

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I should also add that I have several access points around my house too. The access points support 2.4 and 5


What would be the purpose of getting it?


Right now I have my setup as modem>R1>TP-LINK Archer C7 (access point mode) just for the 5ghz AC wifi




The C7 is just as good as the nighthawk as far as features and wifi speed/coverage goes at 1/3 the price. Mine was 69.99 at the time.


If you wanted the faster cpu in it then go with the C9



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I'm not sure why I would get it, i only want to know if there would be any benefit to get it


Besides using the faster wifi (which can be achieved for much cheaper than a nighthawk), no.

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Yebs thats even more relevant when the new update will rool out


Then the only thinkg u will have out of it ist higher wifi.


Like for now duma suports only like 120 + speeds so i coyld see the biges reason for keeping routers like night for that. Way bigger internet speed. Like if you have 200 300 mb then yes i would say go for it but soon that will change and r1 can be used as a primary router.


And then if you wont just get something that habe nice 5gh coverage if you need that

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