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fortnite problem

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  • Netduma Staff
3 hours ago, itskg said:

when i am playing fortnite on my pc it does not show the severs and when i get into a game it does not show the ping also plz help me

Hi, welcome to the forum! Not to worry, lets fix it :)

First off, delete your PC from the Geo-Filter. Then, go to the Device Manager, click on your PC and change its device type to a PlayStation or Xbox. (That changes how the router treats it!)

Add it to the Geo-Filter again and start gaming, that should solve it. I hope this helps!

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  • Netduma Staff
4 hours ago, itskg said:

i have one more problem how to config this router to play apex legends

Did that sort out your Fortnite experience? We're currently testing Apex Legends (great game btw!) and figuring out how best to optimise the Geo-Filter for it. We usually do this in the open Beta of games, but Apex didn't have an open Beta. We're working on it :)

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  • Netduma Staff
2 hours ago, itskg said:

i have one more problem when i am using geo filter for fortnite i am losing my voice chat and when i get a bad sever its just kick me from the game not rejecting that sever

If you go to search for a game and the Geo-Filter blocks it (since it has a high ping), it'll show up as getting 'disconnected' from the server and you'll need to search again. That's normal behaviour - Fortnite works using region based, rigid matchmaking, so unlike Call of Duty you won't just carry on searching when bad servers are blocked.

As for voice chat, try having Strict Mode disabled and check your NAT type!

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  • Netduma Staff
10 hours ago, itskg said:

the main problem is fortnite like i live in india i have sea severs and japan severs but it is connecting to japan severs and kicking me from game

its not avoiding that japan severs

That explains your issue. Fortnite is extremely poorly supported in the Middle East and India. I've attached a map of our findings regarding Fortnite server locations and regions. The closest you could achieve if it's still in use would be the Korea server. That's not ideal whatsoever though, I wish Epic would take steps to support your area better.

When you load up the game and see all the servers pop up on the Geo-Filter, do you see any closer servers? Could you screenshot that?


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Next time the voice chat is not working, could you take a screenshot of your Geo-Filter page please and post here?

Also when it does not work, could you change the filter to Spectating Mode and see if that then fixes the problem (you can go back to Filtering Mode after about 5 seconds). Thanks

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  • Administrators
13 hours ago, itskg said:

hi there when i am trying to block in filtering it is not blocking it is showing only square not triangle  i am do it with a ps4 bo4

Could you provide a screenshot of the Geo-Filter page when this occurs please? Please have the map zoomed out fully when doing so.

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