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Destiny 2 Asian servers help PS4

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I’ve tried South America, the greater tip of Africa  with all of those areas from Spain to Iran included. I encompass all of SOuth America and found one match. So, I’m not sure. I’m not really see any people pop up on the map sometimes while searching of course, sometimes I’ll see a few and I add them asap. 

I sorta questioned if it would be better to use purevpn, but wasn’t sure what to set my other settings too. 

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It's probably trying to match you with lower pings, I think if you wait long enough it might force you eventually. VPN might work as it'd realise you're from the area. You wouldn't have to change any other settings just use VPN Hybrid and apply to the console

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Okay. How we are getting somewhere. That’s exactly what I was thinking. To help clarify some things, if I connect through purevpn and set my location to let’s Paris, France, should I also set my location on the geofilter to the Paris, France area?

and if so, would I need to use zero ping assist and/or can any of the other values be altered to enhance matchmaking with purevpn active such as ping assist, fast search etc?? Oh yeah, should I delete the device from the geofilter at any point?

Lastly, why is it suggested by some of the admins to use the default dns settings vs googles? From the the feedback, it seems like the dns settings are not playing a major role in anything. It just makes me why people posted videos on YouTube stating that using Google’s dns settings elimates error codes etc.. You guys are the best!! Can’t say it enough.




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13 hours ago, Seraph said:

Okay. How we are getting somewhere. That’s exactly what I was thinking. To help clarify some things, if I connect through purevpn and set my location to let’s Paris, France, should I also set my location on the geofilter to the Paris, France area?

Your connection will be routed through Paris, so yes, it would be best for you to set your Geo-Filter in that area as well

13 hours ago, Seraph said:

and if so, would I need to use zero ping assist and/or can any of the other values be altered to enhance matchmaking with purevpn active such as ping assist, fast search etc?? Oh yeah, should I delete the device from the geofilter at any point?

You can keep the device on the Geo-Filter so you can guarantee a host/server near your VPN location. But it's probably best to set Ping Assist to 0 (so it's disabled). Otherwise you might allow connections in that are nearer your actual location, which I assume is not something you want to do

13 hours ago, Seraph said:

Lastly, why is it suggested by some of the admins to use the default dns settings vs googles? From the the feedback, it seems like the dns settings are not playing a major role in anything. It just makes me why people posted videos on YouTube stating that using Google’s dns settings elimates error codes etc.

DNS won't affect gaming. But sometimes your ISP's DNS (the default DNS) can have problems, which is why people recommend using Google. A popular alternative now is actually CloudFlare's ( - but it's personal preference really. I wouldn't rush to change it from default unless you have a clear reason for doing so

13 hours ago, Seraph said:

You guys are the best!! Can’t say it enough

Thanks man! It's a pleasure helping you.

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While playing around with the settings to avoid being ddosed i've found that there are two big servers in asia: one in south korea and one in japan, kinda sud of it.

They didn't pinged at all at the beginning since i'm from europe but after i've setted the strict mode and included the eu server in the geo filter, not always but after some game those asian servers popped up. I had around 350ms of ping with them and i thought that the game would be totally unplayable so i just ignored them but remembering this post i whitelisted them to see what happens and actually found me a game but we didn't played it for the lag isussues

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Umm.. okay. Something is wrong here. I tried forcing my location and in conjunction with my vpn many places and can’t even get a match, no pings, nothing. Earlier on, I found some matches with players and I’ve added them. 

I’ve flushed the cloud. Added and removed my console a thousand times. Tried everything. Block dedicated servers, allowing them, and simply removing all dedicated servers I hoped of getting a match. Sometimes, I’ll force my location with all the proper steps and I’ll see pings every where else except where I’m trying to play. Then, I’ll move locations to where I see the most pings at and may see one or two pings and still not getting a match. Repeating every process stated by an admin in each instance. I’m playing with friends I dunno if it makes a difference in matchmaking if I add them or deny them. Seems like if they join on me whether or not they are blocked or denied. I should be able to get something. I only have console connected wirelessly and a labtop connected wirelessly and I disable my phones connection. I’ve also tried adjusting QOS. All of this for like 7-8 hours a day. 

It says I have nat type 2 on my console as well. If that helps😩(Destiny 2)

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  • Netduma Staff
1 hour ago, Zaroo said:

Umm.. okay. Something is wrong here. I tried forcing my location and in conjunction with my vpn many places and can’t even get a match, no pings, nothing. Earlier on, I found some matches with players and I’ve added them. 

I’ve flushed the cloud. Added and removed my console a thousand times. Tried everything. Block dedicated servers, allowing them, and simply removing all dedicated servers I hoped of getting a match. Sometimes, I’ll force my location with all the proper steps and I’ll see pings every where else except where I’m trying to play. Then, I’ll move locations to where I see the most pings at and may see one or two pings and still not getting a match. Repeating every process stated by an admin in each instance. I’m playing with friends I dunno if it makes a difference in matchmaking if I add them or deny them. Seems like if they join on me whether or not they are blocked or denied. I should be able to get something. I only have console connected wirelessly and a labtop connected wirelessly and I disable my phones connection. I’ve also tried adjusting QOS. All of this for like 7-8 hours a day. 

It says I have nat type 2 on my console as well. If that helps😩(Destiny 2)

One thing you might not have tried is checking the IP address of your console against the IP address shown on the Device Manager. Do they match?

Add your friend to the Allow list and make sure you're always the fireteam leader. You should also definitely try matchmaking on your own to see if you're able to connect that way.

I'd also try disabling the VPN to see if that's the primary cause.

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99% the vpn is disconnected, in most cases I would have some of them blocked, but I would still have the join on me so I’m host.Sometimes I would have to take out of sctrict before matchmaking in order for them to be able to join first. The console ip adresss does match one thing I’ve checked already. And the weird thing about it, sometimes I’ll go into a match to ensure stuff is populating and I have got matches in the right location to make sure I’m not waisting everyone’s time another night beforehand. But once they join up, I can’t get anything. 

Ive tried looking through every post relating to this in hopes of maybe figuring what the issues. Seen others mention something about bleed cloud, dhcp renewal lease, and cache. Have no clue if any of that relates to me. Under internet setup, I’m using Google’s primary and secondary dns. There is a third dns there.. is that supposed to be there?

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  • Netduma Staff
2 hours ago, Zaroo said:

99% the vpn is disconnected, in most cases I would have some of them blocked, but I would still have the join on me so I’m host.Sometimes I would have to take out of sctrict before matchmaking in order for them to be able to join first. The console ip adresss does match one thing I’ve checked already. And the weird thing about it, sometimes I’ll go into a match to ensure stuff is populating and I have got matches in the right location to make sure I’m not waisting everyone’s time another night beforehand. But once they join up, I can’t get anything. 

Ive tried looking through every post relating to this in hopes of maybe figuring what the issues. Seen others mention something about bleed cloud, dhcp renewal lease, and cache. Have no clue if any of that relates to me. Under internet setup, I’m using Google’s primary and secondary dns. There is a third dns there.. is that supposed to be there?

DNS won't be the solution here, nor will DHCP (since it's not your Internet dropping out, it's just problems with the game). Clearing the cache won't help either I don't think.

What I think could help is the new cloud version which is coming very soon. Keep an eye out for that and try it out when it drops. The cloud dictates where every server is located etc, so that could solve it.

Other than that, it could be that the issue lies with your mates. Do they all have an open NAT? Does one of them have a dynamic IP address (i.e their IP keeps changing daily or more frequently)? Also, which game mode are you playing here?

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Okay. I’m playing comp. if I’m host, should thirr type of ips matter.. I just have a normal setup whatever the cable/internet provider gave me. So I dunno if mine is static or what it needs to be if it needs be something other than it is..

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Yeah, but even if thier ips did change that wouldn’t affect what I was trying to achieve in matchmaking as the host or at least that’s what I would assume. I do have most of them blocked to elimate an variables of instances matching in the players in the US, which ocasionally happens when I’m trying to matchmake elsewhere.

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You have your friends blocked in the deny list but are trying to play with them? I'd remove them, that is likely to confuse things. When you notice pings outside radius but not inside that can be normal and indicate it's working. Playing with friends and in a competitive mode the pool for games is already lower so then filtering does make it harder. Is it easier in casual vs comp to get a game?

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Yeah. I do play with them. Initially, I blocked their pings bc they were pinging in the US when I was matchmaking elsewhere before I realized it it was actually them. I did this mostly because I have been trying to matchmake in other regions and have seen pings in the US and end up playing those opponents. Not the people on my fireteam.  Typically, I try to block the pings in the US if I’m trying to get a match elsewhere due to this. 

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So, what are my options here. Should I try to identify servers in other regions and allow them/add them. If so, what’s the best method to do this? Start matchmaking is spectating mode long enough to ping them, add them, then go through the steps of turning off my console, removing and adding my device on the geofilter, setting my location and radius, then boot up in strict.. start matchmaking in strict, then back out once I see pings within that set radius, and restart matchingset in filtering mode.. So, let’s say I do that... sorta have already.. and still get little to no pings. So, what should I do ? Keep expanding my radius and hopefully get more pings. I’ve sorta done that as well..

And matchmaking locally is surely fine.. I’ve only played a few quickplay games in my host locally. I usually just join friends on the casual playlist. 

Is there any setting I need to change within my cable modem possibly lol? I dunno. I’m running out of ideas. 




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You could try all those things but I suspect it's just the nature of what you're trying to do which is the issue, Destiny clearly does not like you forcing games elsewhere that forces your ping to go up, that combined with skill based matchmaking makes it even harder. Do you have another low level account to try to see if it becomes easier?

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Actually, you bring up a good point. I believe you’re right. And I can’t remember correctly, I have hoped on a lower account and tried these combinations of things via vpn, zero ping assist, etc and felt it was easier to find matches and when I’m on a team and/or higher level account the dynamics seems to change. Despite, that being said, I couldn’t find enough people solo for a match. 

However, and holding all things constant, the first couple of days attempting to force my location in areas with a team things were working relatively fine. And our points in competitive, have been pretty much the same since.  BUT as of late, it’s been the opposite, it’s like theirs something I’ve done along the way in terms of allow/denying peers dedicated hosts, perhaps QOS.. I don’t know. It’s like now, I’m not getting anything. I know people who have a similar setup who basically do the same thing I’m doing and thier matchmaking is even fast. I don’t know them well enough to really to get any specifics and thier exact setup, but that’s the case.

VPN wise.. two protocols are presented.. TCP and UDP. From what I understand from what I’ve read online, UDP is more ideal for gaming (Dunno if the protocol are hindering anything). I have friends who have reached thier goals in competitive simply with a VPN. So, I’ve even tried removing my device from geofilter, enabling the VPN, and have started matches to see what was produced. And it seemed like a hit or miss. In some cases, it would be players from the US. In some cases, it would be players from that area. At one point, I thought maybe the geofilter may have been adding some layer of restrictiveness prohibiting the matchmaking in some form or fashion. 

Whereas, I’ve enabled the vpn (with usually a low quality connection depending on the area) with my console added to the geofilter at the approximate location, loaded into social areas to see what populates, and had an abundance of peers pinging within that region. Then, once I go into matchmaking whether solo or with a team, I may get a couple pings and not enough players for a match. Mostly sitting in matchmaking with one other person. 

Which makes me think.. even though, the ping assist is set to zero and not active. It may be prohibiting matchmaking somehow, which doesn’t make any sense bc it’s not active. I understand you have to have it a zero to force location, but if I’m using a vpn and load into a social space strict mode and startup matchmaking in strict mode then restart matchmaking in filtered... should I then be able to adjust the ping assist to possibly populate more pings in the area and increase the amount of peers to match? 

If so and theoretically speaking, if my speeds are best in let’s say Paris, but want to play some of the neighboring countries, should I connect my vpn to that area or and area where my upload/download are the greatest and set my radius on the geofilter over those neighboring countries or do I need to encompass the vpns location as well? 

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The way you connect to the VPN TCP/UDP doesn't really matter as you'll still use UDP for gaming. Ping Assist won't affect it by being on 0. You want to match everything up so you should use a VPN server and match the location on the Geo-Filter as well. If you haven't already Port Forward all the ports for Destiny, that may help.

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Well, I’m not aware of all the the servers regionally. But, from what I’ve read, like neighboring countries in that France area are connected to a UK server. So, if I don’t necessarily want to play in France or the Uk, but speeds are the highest vpn wise in Paris.. should connect to The Paris host which I think is connected to the UK server or connect my vpn to the specific area with lower quality connection that’s probably connected to the UK server? 

Are there any benefits to  port forwarding ? Or is this this like common knowledge for gamers forward thier ports cuz I’m always trying to optimize and gain some progress peer ping population..

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Speeds don't really matter because games use so little so I don't think that would make a difference. Go with the specific area. It's mostly for NAT but quite a few people say they have a better experience when they manually port forward.

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Port forwarding guide on XR500 is here: https://portforward.com/netgear/nighthawk-xr500/

As for which ports to forward on Destiny 2: https://portforward.com/destiny-2/

In theory there's no real difference in port forwarding vs using UPNP. So if I were you I would leave everything as it is if you're happy with your setup.

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