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Arris TM3402A > NetDuma R1

Started noticing real bad rubber banding 2-3 days ago and have since gone into full research mode. 

Not sure what info you guys need. Please let me know and I will get back to you right away. Thanks!

google.com test.png

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As above, were you wired when doing this test?


Unless the ping interval was changed (unlikely as that typically only seems to affect the first hop with phantom packet loss), it would appear there might be an issue with either the cable going to the router or one of the router's ports. Do you have another cable you can try if you were indeed wired when testing? 

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- Test was performed with a wired connection. Interval was changed from 2.5 to 0.5 and to TCP

- I’ve used 3 different CAT6 cables and all have the same result

- The modem/router were also recently moved from one line in the house to another, with the same results.



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Reboot the laptop/PC being used if it's not already on and then load up PingPlotter. Make sure you leave the interval on 2.5sec as anything below can cause random first hop packet loss that doesn't mean anything. 


Obviously you have loss elsewhere right now so it's important to dismiss that potential obstacle. 


I'm not familiar with changing to TCP but then again I only use PingPlotter free. Use ICMP or UDP as the former is default and the latter is relevant to gaming. 

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See what I mean? Some of the "packet loss" seems to have been shaved off lol. Still, that is a problem. You're clearly getting packet loss at the destination (ie not just a lack of response at intermediate hops where little priority is placed on ICMP replies) and changing cables did nothing so perhaps the finger could be pointed at hardware somewhere else down the line. Have you run a test using just your modem (or ISP modem/router combo) for comparison? 


You might need to consider changing the IP you're testing to as well. Some of us have had problems with random packet loss appearing when pinging for example. Give me a minute and I'll edit this message to upload a PingPlotter screenie from a test to a CoD server from my laptop. 


Edit: okay, disregard the idea of changing the IP. I ran the test to a local CoD server but also the exact Google IP you tested to (presumably west coast US?). I'm in the UK so the latency is high but there's no packet loss on the first or last hops. This is to one of my local CoD servers in London:1181395432_Screenshot(9).thumb.png.3d10de564c53172285ff224c00606afd.png

And this is to that Google IP:


As you can see, with a brand new laptop and brand new CAT6a U/UTP cables connected to my R1 (in front of an ISP combo) there's no packet loss on 2.5sec intervals and auto focus. 


I'd advise trying a test with a different R1 port, and if that doesn't help try taking it out of the setup completely and running a test from modem/combo straight to your PC. 

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Hmm that's not good. Assuming there's nothing wrong with the testing device (the port could be fucked tbh) the modem might be the problem. My old laptop typically showed higher latency on the first hop when testing on PingPlotter for some reason.


At least we've ruled out the R1 because modems are typically easier and cheaper to replace. It could be a line issue too though. 


Do you have any other modems lying around that you could test with? Going backwards one step at a time like this is good - we can rule out variables and get to the source of the problem. If a different modem doesn't help you can send the test results to your ISP and tell them to sort themselves out lol

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