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Citrix disconnects

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I'm a new user, still tweaking setup. The other night, my wife was getting booted every few minutes from a Citrix connection to her work. Has anyone else had this kind of issue?



Macbook WiFi -> Apple Time Capsule (bridge mode over standard Ethernet port) -> Netduma R1 (WiFi off) -> Comcast Cable Modem (bridge mode)


The disconnects continued even when network monitor showed no other network activity, as well as when I was playing PC CoD later (I had a consistent connection, never got booted), and even after I rebooted all three devices.


Any advice?

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What version of the firmware are you on found at the bottom of the netduma GUI page?

Here is a link to the latest Here


If you are on anything under 1.03.4 it would be worth trying things out on the latest.


Here is the guide for speed settings why_is_my_speed_lower

If it is the apple wifi your wife is getting booted from have you changed channel or have you thought about using the Netduma's wifi , it is really strong, if you do turn off the wifi workaround in misc if you have any issue's

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she was not getting booted from the Apple WiFi, it was just the Citrix connection dropping. It has happened to her occasionally before, but not with that level of frequency. I will try to test it again tonight and see what I can figure out.


I did try the Netduma's wifi early on, but I had worse performance than the Time Capsule on my 3DS. Macbook seemed about the same. But, I need the Time Machine backups for the Mac, so that's why I still have the Time Capsule.

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If it has happened before the netduma it might just be the Citrix connection dropping and it was a coincidence, I would re test it again and see how it pans out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still trying to solve some other issues after some new hardwiring... but my firmware is only 1.03.3. When I click upgrade, it says it is up to date. I'll try the manual update tonight.

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