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Netgear xr500 router

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I have set up my new netgear xr500 router and it is connected to the internet but I am getting double nat type on my xbox one x have been looking at forums and change my geo filter and put my xbox in to the dmz host but has not made a difference in changing this for black ops 4, cant even find a match and when I do I get kicked instantly need help thanks 

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2 hours ago, Shanet said:

I have set up my new netgear xr500 router and it is connected to the internet but I am getting double nat type on my xbox one x have been looking at forums and change my geo filter and put my xbox in to the dmz host but has not made a difference in changing this for black ops 4, cant even find a match and when I do I get kicked instantly need help thanks 

I assume your setup is: Modem (or modem/router combo) > XR500 > All devices? Normally when you have double NAT you need to put the XR500 into DMZ on your modem.

I have moved this to the correct section. Please don’t post on the 1 on 1 section unless asked to do so by Netduma staff. Thanks.


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My Apologies i did not notice this was requesting a 1 on 1

I dont agree with what your saying Pollutionblues the ideal situation would be to not have to use the DMZ at all and have his/her network setup correctly

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Thanks I ended up restarting the router and the modem aswell as my xbox after putting it into the dmz and it shows open nat type on the dash board but not in game but it does run a little better not as laggy on my side, my modem is one from my ISP which is pretty old so I'm thinking of buying a new one that is more compatible with the router so I dont have to have my xbox in the dmz so then I can get optimal performance if you would have any recommendations that would be great 


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Basically having more than one NAT device usually happens when you connect your own router to a gateway installed by your internet service provider that also includes the NAT and routing functions

A simple fix would be to connect your XR500 to a modem setup in bridged mode or just by using a simple modem that lacks the NAT and routing functions, it would eliminate the problem altogether

I Dont really agree with using the DMZ as a quick fix and its not something i would advise without knowing their network setup first



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Yeah right, makes sense I did check on the modem I have and spoke to my ISP provider but just got passed from person to person as usual. 

And I found that option on my router but it was only to be able to bridge my xbox and router together but not the modem unfortunately, the router I have is a netgear xr500 so they seem pretty simple to set up it's just the modem is a bit of a headache as I've had problems with it before so I think it may be time for an update anyways 


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Guest Killhippie
9 hours ago, Shanet said:

It's just strange cause it ran really well when I rebooted it the connection was amazingly fast call of duty ran so smooth and then now it has gone back to the sluggish crap it was before it has me stumped 


You need to bridge your modem then connect it to the wan port of your router, and if you need to enter your settings to logon into the router, you don't want to put the XR500 into bridge mode. What router do you have from your ISP as we may be able to help with setting it up in bridge mode if we know the make and model. Ideally it should go Modem  -> Router -> xbox. I also agree than putting the XR500 in the Modem/Routers DMZ is not the best way forward.

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Guest Killhippie
On 11/19/2018 at 1:26 AM, Shanet said:

Any help is truly appreciated that's for sure, it is a sagecom f@st 3864op adsl modem then my netgear xr500 is connected to that thru ethernet port one 


From looking online you cant put that  modem router into bridge mode, I would google it further and see what others advice. You may find a better way to use it with the XR500 or you may have to just use your ISP gear or the DMZ option, more ISP's these days are requesting use of their own equipment and that makes it hard to get the setup you want. Do some research and come back with any questions. :) Good luck.

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