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Flood Control and Download Speeds

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I don't know if I've discovered a bug or not, but my DL and UL speeds seem to remain constant when I set the Caps to less than 100%.  For example, here are the speeds and settings I just observed:


Home Internet Speed (from ISP): 30Mb/5Mb


Caps set to 100/100: 28-30Mb/5-6Mb (pretty consistent)

Caps set to 80/80: 15-17Mb/3-4Mb

Caps set to 90/90: 15-17Mb/3-4Mb

Caps set to 95/95: 15-17Mb/3-4Mb

Caps set to 70/70: 15-16Mb/3-4Mb


Am I just crazy, or shouldn't I get higher speeds when the caps are set to 95% than when set to 80%?  I haven't tried setting it at less than 70% because, honestly, I cannot envision ever setting it that low.  I just played about 7-8 games with great connectivity, awesome hit detection, and less than 50ms PING to host with it set to 85%, so that's probably where I'll set it whenever I game, but I find it odd that speedtest.net consistently measures the same speeds even though I've changed the caps.


Also of note, I can start a speedtest and move the cap from 100% to 95% and see my speed drop from around 30Mb to 16-17Mb within a second or two.  It's almost as if it defaults to 50% when not set to 100%.


For the record, I'm running 1.03.03 and connected via wire to the Netduma, which is wired straight into my Modem.

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I will update it tomorrow.  In the meantime, wanted to post a picture from speedtest so that you could see what I'm talking about.  You can clearly see the spike then the drop when I change the cap from 100% to 95%:




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Okay yes please update us tomorrow. I imagine you are using the preemptive algorithm as well right? Yeah that dip is pretty evident, can you try on preemptive and reactive as well please. Some people choose reactive even for connections under 50 and think it performs well so may be the case for you also. 

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Ok, I changed it to reactive after upgrading the firmware. I can see the drop (or spike if I move it up to 100% cap), but it's less significant.  Also, my speeds at 90% are around 24-25Mb, more in line with what I expected (again, 30/5 from the ISP).  I can even see it spike up from around 18Mb to around 24Mb when I leave the Cap at 90% but just click on Reactive vs. Preemtive.  Weird.


I will try it in a game tomorrow (in reactive) and see how it does.  I'm tired and about to go to bed now :)

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