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Bo4 keeps connecting USA


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Hello does somebody know why it keeps connecting with a usa server or peer. 

I have the good setting.

I live in the netherlands but not connect in europe.



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same here, im also from the Netherlands, 
try this with your netduma, it will connect u to the UK server
or the German server, unfortunately the Amsterdam server is not in use by Treyarch, 
i don't know why but its pretty shit cause my ping will always be around 50 vs 15-20 from the UK or Germany
its gonna be a tough year for dutch bo4 players :(



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IT's really important you set your filter up before booting up the game. This will then force the same server over and over again. 

Here's some more steps if you're not sure:

  1. Add your gaming device to the Geo-Filter
  2. DumaOS users only: set to Filtering Mode
  3. Set your ideal range e.g. just cover the server region you like the most
  4. Restart Black Ops 4 (or boot it up if not already running it)
  5. Try searching for games 
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you do something wrong, e live in potugal i have de radar under portugal and spain and i find god games.

my steps

turn ps4 + netduma
set: ps4 + ps network
set: radar under the zone i want to play ( portugal / spain )
set: ping assist  o%
select: stric mode
configure the congestion control.
reboot ps4
lunch game
and play

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same here, it looks like the CoD servers know you are on Netduma and block it or something like that

BO3 no problem, WWII no problem
BO4 nothing but problems

this was a few seconds after the game ended, connected to US server.
and yes i followed all the steps the admin wrote down above incl. the steps from nunogsm


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Are either of you changing your Geo-Filter after booting up the game? It;s close to impossible for this to happen otherwise - if it's outside your range, it gets blocked.  (Obviously with Strict Mode on, Ping Assist at 0 etc)

If it happens again, could you record a video  - show us the Geo-Filter before the game, and then show us it giving you a host outside your range. If this is happening we would need to look into it urgently. However I would be very surprised!

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