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Setting up the R1 with existing ISP routers/modems

Guest Netduma Fraser

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey guys,


The idea of this thread is to collect threads detailing how you got the R1 to work with your existing ISP routers/modems etc. 


For example, I have an Orange/EE Brightbox wireless router, I have made a separate thread detailing how I got it to work perfectly with this router. Please can you make a separate thread for yours following this template:


Title: "ISP router/modem model"

Body: "Written instructions on how you put your ISP router/modem either in modem mode or how you put the R1 in your DMZ. If you have another setup, do not post and will look at this separately"

Pictures: "Optional if you think it will help"


Then post back here with the model and link to your thread so I can add it here so people can check this thread to find the ISP router/modem they have and set up their R1 perfectly. 


ISP Routers/Modems covered: 


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Netduma Fraser


Thanks for purchasing! Using the guide you get in the box should be able to get you online, then putting the R1 in your Xfinity DMZ would sort out the NAT issues. If you have any trouble setting this up you can post a new thread in the support section :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having a lot of trouble getting decent connection while playing advanced warfare and the Nat keep switching from moderate to open. i currently have the NetDma set up in place of my previous route(tp link TL-WR841N) . i just have the NetDuma  connected to the cable modem provided by my isp. should i hook it too my wireless router instead and the hook the tp link router to the modem? if so could you help me do that im not sure how really.. also, I'm not sure what i should have my congestion on. Speed test say my connection is 67 down and 4 up but normally only says 35 down and 4 up.  i would greatly appreciate any help Im pretty disappointed so far I've been trying to figure it out for a day or so and just not having any of the amazing results I've heard that made me make the purchase. 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Ddotangel,


Firstly, thanks for purchasing. With the duma you have the tools to help you mitigate lag, but you need to use them to get the most out of it. I'll post some links that should help:

  1. How to open your NAT
  2. How to mitigate lag using the Duma

I would suggest setting your bandwidth to 35/4 if that is what you normally get.


Finally you may need to upgrade to .7b to use all the features in the manual. But I suggest before you upgrade setup your congestion control & geo-filter correctly and start using it. 


Hope that helps :)


If you need any help please start a new thread and we will be happy to assist. 

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I know this is old but just factory reset the all in one and then boot it back up look for bridge mode click enable and reset after the connection comes back. This is true bridge mode but I have called Comcast and they did everything on their end but it didn't go in full bridge but it will work just fine. I have the XB3 dpc3939 though if you have another model the bridge should work right on my old on it did you will know it works it you can only use port one on the back and no others. I had issues in my area but if you have random frequent resets then I would say take the bridge off and use the dmz like he said.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

I know this is old but just factory reset the all in one and then boot it back up look for bridge mode click enable and reset after the connection comes back. This is true bridge mode but I have called Comcast and they did everything on their end but it didn't go in full bridge but it will work just fine. I have the XB3 dpc3939 though if you have another model the bridge should work right on my old on it did you will know it works it you can only use port one on the back and no others. I had issues in my area but if you have random frequent resets then I would say take the bridge off and use the dmz like he said.


Thanks for all that info, that should definitely help someone out :)

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Hey Fraser, 


Thanks for the reply for some reason i didn't see it before. I followed the steps provided in the links and set up congestion at 64 ive tried different settings, and distances in the geo filter i have upnp enabled in both miscellaneous and the upnp settings. I'm still getting lag just as before when i had my old tp link router i have attached some screenshots of my settings and opened another thread called really need help

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Netduma_Iain

Mick its quite simple turn on modem mode on the router then plug "Port 1" on the Netduma into the modem port on the virgin superhub and you're sorted :) 

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  • 2 months later...

I know this is old but just factory reset the all in one and then boot it back up look for bridge mode click enable and reset after the connection comes back. This is true bridge mode but I have called Comcast and they did everything on their end but it didn't go in full bridge but it will work just fine. I have the XB3 dpc3939 though if you have another model the bridge should work right on my old on it did you will know it works it you can only use port one on the back and no others. I had issues in my area but if you have random frequent resets then I would say take the bridge off and use the dmz like he said.

How do you factory reset the all in one? so if i dont factory reset and just do bridge mode that does not make it true bridge mode? i have already disabled that wifi hotspot feature as well. 


Make & Model:   Arris Interactive, L.L.C. tg862g    


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How do you factory reset the all in one? so if i dont factory reset and just do bridge mode that does not make it true bridge mode? i have already disabled that wifi hotspot feature as well. 


Make & Model:   Arris Interactive, L.L.C. tg862g    


Nevermind just found out how to . gotta love google!  :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • Netduma Staff

How to use Netduma router on Aztech FG7003GRV?


Just set it up as Wall >> Aztech >> Netduma. If that Aztech is a modem, you don't need to do anything else, if it is a router, either put it into bridge mode so it acts as a modem or but the Netduma in its DMZ :)

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Hi, Crossy. Aztech is a wireless modem provide by the ISP. But I can see got bridge mode under the settings. Do I need to turn it to enable? And how to add Netduma in current router' DMZ? Because now my problem is after set up, got internet connection from Netduma router. But I can't access to Netduma control panel. Please help.

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi, Crossy. Aztech is a wireless modem provide by the ISP. But I can see got bridge mode under the settings. Do I need to turn it to enable? And how to add Netduma in current router' DMZ? Because now my problem is after set up, got internet connection from Netduma router. But I can't access to Netduma control panel. Please help.


Hi Derick :) Yes, enable bridge mode on the ISP router. Once you've done that you don't need to do anything else on that router :) For the issue with not being able to access the Netduma control panel, you've made another thread for that so that issue will be resolved there :)

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