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Can't use psn.

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  • Netduma Staff

IP fragmentation usually happens when you've set a custom MTU. So if you've set a custom MTU is it possible that you've also got a static IP on the console? Can you make sure thay everything is set to automatic and see if the problem continues :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Sadly the suggestions did not work... I can give you guys the 2 "error" codes I receive. Also we've had 4 routers this past month and only my apple one works with psn.

Can you confirm that it is definetly connected with an automatic IP? :)

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Do you have the two error codes please :) And just to confirm - all other devices are working correctly?

"The router in use might not support IP packet fragmentation, some network features of the ps4 might be restricted. For more details contact your router manufacturer."

"Cannot connect to the server within the time limit. There might have been a problem in connecting to the network, or Playstation Network or the server might be temporarily busy. (NW-31175-7)" Everything that isn't psn works fine!


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  • Netduma Staff

"The router in use might not support IP packet fragmentation, some network features of the ps4 might be restricted. For more details contact your router manufacturer."

"Cannot connect to the server within the time limit. There might have been a problem in connecting to the network, or Playstation Network or the server might be temporarily busy. (NW-31175-7)" Everything that isn't psn works fine!



Can you take a picture of the Network details on the PS4 and post it here to check that it has connected properly :)

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err nevermind, you can sign in but cant get into parties/ game servers. my bad..


This has happened to me before a while ago, I just cant remember quite how I fixed it. I believe that I had a dmz assigned to my console's ip address incorrectly, what I did is I disabled the dmz using my modem/router's interface, and then I rebooted the router, and restarted my ps4 and that fixed it, i could then play cod online. I dont know if this will work for you or if you even have a dmz enabled.

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I think that if you were able to play online games before you got the net duma, that you should try and disconnect the duma and try using just your regular router, and if that works, then Crossy and Zennon should be able to isolate the problem/ setting in the netduma, or your personal configuration on your router. keep us updated.


Also if you want you could try to set a custom mtu of 1492, or maybe 1500 on your ps4. That might help, usually I get an ip fragmentation error when there is a custom mtu, so if you made your mtu too low in order to lower lag then online games might not work.

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