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Connectivity Issue with Corporate VPN Client behind a R1

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  1. What firmware version are you on? 1.03.6h
  2. What speeds do you get from multiple speed tests? 14ms/93Mbps down/9Mbps up, 19ms/91Mbps/9Mbps
  3. What is your current setup? Arris Modem > R1 > All Devices
  4. What is your specific issue? (Provide as many details as possible. If it is a lag issue include the screenshots from here in your post) Issue is that when I attempt to use a VPN client on a specific PC (Windows, Palo Alto Global Protect) I'm unable to successfully connect to the VPN. It initially connects and I can see outbound packets in the connection dialog box, but I never receive inbound packets. This client has tested successfully at "open" WiFi locations, such as Starbucks and on other corporate "guest" networks. It does not work from home however. Our previous client, Juniper Network Connect, connects without any issue.
  5. Any other information (such as settings you may have previously tried). All other connectivity is working great; no lag to speak of, gaming works great on both Xbox and PS4.


Modem Info: ARRIS DOCSIS 3.0 / PC 1.5 Touchstone Telephony Modem




SW_REV: 9.1.103J6J


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Hi there - are you able to connect directly to that modem and test again? It could be your line blocking it so it's important to isolate whether the blocker is with just the R1 or somewhere else.


Also, just double check your Geo-Filter is not enabled when you are testing this. If you added your PC to it then it could be blocking the VPN provider's server.

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Please try the following if they have not been done already:


Disable Hyper Traffic for PC its running on

Disable Deep Packet Processing

Enable multicast snooping

Disable stealth mode

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