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Connection reset issues

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Now unable to access routerlogin.net site on 2 laptops with error lost connection connection reset. Never an issue with R1. Have selected use a proxy server for your lan. Firefox and chrome both do not work. Only can use android to access site but obviously not ideal. Any tips.

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Bingo. Reset successful. Back in business to access router settings. Many thanks.


Great to hear that, you're welcome. I will let Netgear know you had this issue and see if they are aware of this as a wider problem or just a one off. 

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FYI , I was the user that had the double nat issue and you helped me with the fix but the issue returned a few days ago. But after the reset today the nat went back to open. Thought u might want to know.


Good to know thanks, if you give your console a static IP address and put it in the DMZ then that should never be an issue again.

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