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Network monitor

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My network monitor seems to be going a bit nuts. First I was seeing high upload activity (21mb up when I only get real speeds of c.15mb) when the few connected devices (mobile phones and an iPad were sitting dormant).


Then I spotted this little mischief (see attached pics). Two to three hundred mb upload when real speeds are maxed around 64mb.


Any ideas what's going wrong?



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  • Netduma Staff



I thought megabits is speed and megabytes was storage (i.e. file size) .


My internet speed is 66mbit down and 16mbit up.


Megabytes / Megabits can get confusing - it's a popular misconception that Megabytes are used only to describe file sizes but they can describe speeds as well. N3CRO's conversion above is correct - our graph is showing you megabits per second, so I'm assuming based on your numbers that you may be paying for 66 megabytes (rather than bits) per second. This would convert to roughly 528 megabits per second that you could potentially receive through your ISP.


I would definitely check multiple sources - check exactly what you pay for, and run a few speed tests to rule out a graphical error on the Netduma.

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  • Netduma Staff



I am BT infinity so my line profile is 80 megabits down and 20megabits up.


Checking speeds confirms this so the graph must be going nuts


In that case, it'll be the above ^ If most of the time the Network Monitor is displaying around about the speeds you're paying for, but sometimes spikes higher than that, it's a simple graphics glitch. It can be caused by switching tabs or using the UI on a non-optimised platform.

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