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Cuando pongo el profile cod ultimate la casita sale en medio del oceano y el ping assist sube a 50 ms que debo hacer dejarlo asi?


El perfil de CoD Ultimate te pone en el océano, la razón es que funciona puramente con la función de asistencia de ping. Esto significa que te conectas a juegos en todo el mundo siempre que estén por debajo de 60ms Ping, lo que significa que obtienes los mejores juegos disponibles en el mundo.




The CoD Ultimate profile does put you in the ocean - the reason is that it works purely using the Ping Assist feature. This means that you connect to games across the world so long as they are below 60ms Ping, meaning you get the best games available in the world.

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/20/2017 at 9:48 AM, Netduma Jack said:


El perfil de CoD Ultimate te pone en el océano, la razón es que funciona puramente con la función de asistencia de ping. Esto significa que te conectas a juegos en todo el mundo siempre que estén por debajo de 60ms Ping, lo que significa que obtienes los mejores juegos disponibles en el mundo.




The CoD Ultimate profile does put you in the ocean - the reason is that it works purely using the Ping Assist feature. This means that you connect to games across the world so long as they are below 60ms Ping, meaning you get the best games available in the world.

Tremenda explicacion. Pregunta que le hago, vivo en Puerto Rico, el caribe. Llevo con mi R1 ya casi 3 años y es muy inconsistente en las conecciones.


Que configuracion en el 2019 me puede recomendar para mi area geografica?


PD. Tengo la nueva version de DumaOS y pago por internet de 150mb Up 15mg Dl

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32 minutes ago, Tua PR said:

Tremendous explanation. Question I ask you, I live in Puerto Rico, the Caribbean. I have been with my R1 for almost 3 years and it is very inconsistent in the connections.

What configuration in 2019 Can you recommend for my geographical area?

PS I have the new version of DumaOS and online payment of 150mb Up 15mg Dl

I'd advise that you exclusively have your radius over florida as that will be where the closest servers to you are

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2019 at 7:59 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

I'd advise that you exclusively have your radius over florida as that will be where the closest servers to you are

Perfect, Do I need to put the ping assist to 0 or what you recommend? 


PD. I speak a bit of English but, Spanish is my first language and I saw your reply in English so...  Yo vuelvo a hablar español lol

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I would set Ping Assist to 0ms as this will guarantee you only get servers inside your range (I just explained more about this in your other thread: 


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