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Bullet reg / Lag compensation

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Don't waste your time looking for magic numbers, they don't exist. I have a 20 ping to Google and I'm about 550 miles away from the closest server here in the US but I always get sent to servers 1100 miles away. Unless I turn on host filtering. My best experience was find the server that didn't necessarily have the lowest ping, but was physically closest to me and ONLY playing on that one. I had 200/20 years ago and I still got manhandled 90% of the games. My friend's gameplay all looked like it was slow motion because the enemies didn't see them yet. You know why? Because they all live in Texas and play on that server. It's all about location. These days, I just put it on preemptive and set it to the values that give me the best bufferbloat and lag prevention and just roll with the punches. Or I don't even play COD, I play something else

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21 hours ago, EldestTheGreat said:

But if you really want to abuse the lag comp, play on your phone's hotspot if it has 5G bandwidth. MW loves hotspotters, my gameplay got easier for regular pubs. Lol. Wouldn't do it in warzone though, too much data and mixed connections.

Tried that before. It was awful, I teleport all over the map and get hardly any hit reg.

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In MW I've had the best hit reg when my PS4 is hardwired & utilising unlimited bandwidth. Throttling speeds didn't help, it actually made my hit reg inconsistent.

I've used a few different routers/firmwares and found the R2 so far is the best. Now testing an openwrt one and it seems to be good as well. Just need to do some research and see what I can tweak with this because it's my first time using this firmware.

Also I've taken my PS4 out of DMZ and have a moderate NAT in MW. Not sure if this has helped in some way.

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