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Any Ideas on this one.....

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Here is my set up...modem to netduma with ps4 (wired).. netduma to nighthawk r7000 (AP) with xbox one (wireless) to nighthawk....heres my problem still....as I have posted before I cant use upnp or my duma makes the xbox go strict...so I have to port everything which is ok..but as for call of duty (blops3 mostly) I have to assign my xbox one port 3074 or it will stay strict...down fall is I stay moderate using all the other ports. If I use 3074 the xbox goes strict everytime...I read online that blops 3 should use port 3075 to have a open nat but nothing is make my nat open on blops 3...anything I can do or am I stuck with the moderate? Also, I know having a moderate affects my grouping up with other moderate people but does it affect my game play? It seems like it does but it could just be me because I know I should be open. Any help will be appreciated. 

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey David; first off I'd recommend turning off "Instant On" for the Xbox - this feature doesn't seem to be compatible with UPnP. That in itself could be the solution. Also ensure that you aren't port-forwarding and using UPnP at the same time. Having a moderate in-game NAT can often be a false reading as well; try only enabling the Geofilter once you've booted up the game and see if your in-game NAT changes.

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Try these ports...

Should get it open for BO3 and IW on Xbox.

Don't think the last one is necessary for BO3 though.


Obviously turn your Xbox off before you do this. And after adding the ports reboot your Netduma just to be sure.




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Before trying PF rules, lets met sure the ISP modem doesn't have a built in router as well. You don't change anything if NAT is at the modem. <_<

Whats the Mfr and model so we can help you verify this. If it doesn't then you'll be good to use the R1 as the main host router and the NG in AP mode as long as it's LAN to LAN connected to the R1. I've done this before as well and it works.


However try connecting the xbox to the R1 using a LAN cable first to check NAT status. You should see OPEN NAT in dash board first and most important. In game status should be same. If not, just turn OFF the xbox and then back in. And be sure to disable Instant ON feature on the XB1 as well.



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Thanks a lot Jack...I'll have to research the instant on....maybe my son will know what that is...Ive been a PS guy...don't know a whole lot about xbox so not sure about that but I'll find it and see if its on..and I'm only port forwarding...I have disabled the upnp...so I know that's off. As for the false reading...im seeing a lot about that...so maybe that's what im getting...I know Fraser told me a few weeks ago that he thought it was really hard to have both consoles open...so I'll try the instant on thing...thanks again

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Colonic,...thanks a lot man...I have all these ports...the problem I'm running into is I cant use the 3074 port which is what opens my nat on blops3 on my PS4 but then it stricts the xbox......as long as the xbox has the port 3074 he says open but then I go moderate...so the only port showing on my list even for xbox is the 3074... I tried all the other ports for xbox and they wouldn't open his nat..its strange

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E38...I have a Motorola surfboard ...not sure what model...maybe 6141?..again I cant remember (im at work now) but I logged into the modem (I bought it myself..not a cable company) and I couldn't find anything on the interface where it even talked about the firewall or anywhere that I could turn it on....as for the instant on thing...I'm going to look into that and maybe see if that's why it wont let me use upnp

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  • Netduma Staff

E38...I have a Motorola surfboard ...not sure what model...maybe 6141?..again I cant remember (im at work now) but I logged into the modem (I bought it myself..not a cable company) and I couldn't find anything on the interface where it even talked about the firewall or anywhere that I could turn it on....as for the instant on thing...I'm going to look into that and maybe see if that's why it wont let me use upnp


Let us know how you get on - I'd recommend trying to turn off "instant on" and only enabling the Geo-filter once you've booted up the game. If that doesn't work straight away, disable port forwarding and enable UPnP, and then only enable the Geo-filter once you've booted up again. Let us know if any of that works.


And just to clarify; the "instant on" solution was recommended by other users, we haven't internally tested it yet. Apparently the Xbox doesn't give out the correct information for UPnP when it's turned on.

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David, If you have a SB 61anything, the modem is a modem only thus no built in router which is good.


Instant ON is in System settings on the XB1 dashboard. What ever the setting is currently set for, just make sure that this feature is disabled. Yes it takes the XB1 to turn on longer however disabling this feature stops the bad behavior with networking and uPnP. :unsure:


xboxes have had a bad history of bad networking and uPnP problems that MS doesn't seem to fully care about. Something in how they handle networking and caches are not being handled well and cleared out. Thus it takes a power cycle or a reset to clear things out. :angry: The 360slim had bad wireless drivers thus causing any of these units to connect to newer generation wireless at only 11Mb. When the wireless adapter was rated for 130Mb I believe. This was an MS issue that they never fixed. <_<


E38...I have a Motorola surfboard ...not sure what model...maybe 6141?..again I cant remember (im at work now) but I logged into the modem (I bought it myself..not a cable company) and I couldn't find anything on the interface where it even talked about the firewall or anywhere that I could turn it on....as for the instant on thing...I'm going to look into that and maybe see if that's why it wont let me use upnp

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David, If you have a SB 61anything, the modem is a modem only thus no built in router which is good.


Instant ON is in System settings on the XB1 dashboard. What ever the setting is currently set for, just make sure that this feature is disabled. Yes it takes the XB1 to turn on longer however disabling this feature stops the bad behavior with networking and uPnP. :unsure:


xboxes have had a bad history of bad networking and uPnP problems that MS doesn't seem to fully care about. Something in how they handle networking and caches are not being handled well and cleared out. Thus it takes a power cycle or a reset to clear things out. :angry: The 360slim had bad wireless drivers thus causing any of these units to connect to newer generation wireless at only 11Mb. When the wireless adapter was rated for 130Mb I believe. This was an MS issue that they never fixed. <_<

Thanks a lot e38brimmmer....I got home late last night so I didn't get a chance to mess with it but I did have my son turn his xb1 one and it was in instant on...he told me he thought we had turned it off when dealing with it before but I've put so much time into it this router and trying different things I'm not sure if I turned it off and tried the upnp or turned it off dealing with the ports...I'll try it tonight and let you guys know tomorrow.

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Well...I took the instant on off his xb1...shut the xb1 down...deleted my ports and enabled the upnp...and rebooted the netduma...rebooted my ps4 and went into blops 3 and still got a moderate and his xb1 is still open...the thing i noticed in the upnp page on netduma was my net duma is making my ps4 use the 9308 port...and once i turned his xb1 on...it gave the xb1 the 3074 port?...why is that?...if i go to port forwarding...and i take the 3074 I stay open but hes strict?

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the problem I'm running into is I cant use the 3074 port which is what opens my nat on blops3 on my PS4 but then it stricts the xbox


Sorry, I missed the part about there being a PS4 and an Xbox - not sure how seeing as that's what the first post said  :huh:


I'm going to have to bow out here as I don't have any experience with nat across multiple consoles.

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  • Netduma Staff

Well...I took the instant on off his xb1...shut the xb1 down...deleted my ports and enabled the upnp...and rebooted the netduma...rebooted my ps4 and went into blops 3 and still got a moderate and his xb1 is still open...the thing i noticed in the upnp page on netduma was my net duma is making my ps4 use the 9308 port...and once i turned his xb1 on...it gave the xb1 the 3074 port?...why is that?...if i go to port forwarding...and i take the 3074 I stay open but hes strict?


I would ensure R1 is in DMZ on ISP hub. Apply a static IP to each console and allow UPnP to open the ports automatically. You will definitely achieve an open NAT on the consoles network settings. Achieving an open NAT in-game might prove more difficult though.


If you go into Settings -> UPnP, what ports does it state are open? Someone had success in the past opening these ports: 3074, 3075, 9307 and 9308 (all UDP). Make sure whenever you try opening ports you reset the consoles to allow it to take effect.

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when you say r1 is in DMZ...you are referring to having my ps4 static (which I do) and then going and clicking reserved with the last 3 static numbers correct?..Because I have my ps4 static and the xbox static...and clicking reserved and putting in both static numbers...but as for the second part of your question...I believe I figured out why..just don't know what to do to fix it...when in UPNP I noticed when I log on with my ps4..on the upnp page it shows that im on port 9308...once the xbox logs on...the R1 gives the xbox 3074...so last night last I gave the xbox all the ports they say they use except for 3074...so I used 3074 and all the ps4 ports that aren't the same as xbox. I stayed open...when I logged into the xb1 it was open...but everytime I would reboot the xb1 it would go strict...then I would reboot it again and it would be open...then I would reboot it and it wold go back to strict....any answers for why its going back and forth? when I have upnp enabled we both are open nat according to our consoles...but since it gives the xb1 the "teredo port 3074"...Im moderate on every call of duty I sign into..I understand theres no way to giving both consoles the same port...im just in the process of trying to figure out what xbox port will keep him open as for console....since he doesn't have 3074...and I do...now my COD is open...but his is moderate....its getting pretty aggravating I wont lie.

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and yes...each time I'm setting ports I am rebooting...I learned that here recently...and also Jack and e38 I really appreciate all the help and feedback!! 

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Need to understand differences between Static and Reserved. Static IP addresses are addresses input on a device and these IP addresses are outside of the routers main IP address pool, i.e. to .200 for example. All other IP addresses out side of this range can be used by Static IP addresses.


Reserved IP addresses are addresses assigned by the router and user configurations and a user would tell the router to assigned a specific IP address to a connected device ON the router using it's UI configuration. These IP addresses are always with in the default routers IP address pool, i.e. to .200.


DMZ maybe needed for the R1 if you have a ISP modem that has a built in router already and connecting another router like the R1 will cause bad NAT issues.

Its recommended to have the ISP bridge these modems so that any external router, like the R1 can get a public IP address, i.e. ##.##.###.### on it's WAN Port.





The game consoles should not be in any DMZ.

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my modem is a modem...its not a combo...when i had just had my netgear i had that router dmz and my ps4 and xb1 had a static adress such as with the R1.....im not sure if im following you right....should i not have my ps4 static such as and then go into the dhcp lease and check reserved?...

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  • Netduma Staff

It's also worth keeping in mind that Moderate NAT readings can be false; if your console / game is showing Moderate, I would see what it feels like connecting to lobbies / in-game and judge whether the reading is false. Here at Netduma, we have 2 Xbox Ones which always show Moderate console NATs, but play perfectly fine since those readings are incorrect.


I know it's a really annoying issue though - we are working on DumaOS right now, but this issue is going to be our main priority to find a solution for after we launch DumaOS. I'm also aware that most routers struggle with this issue as well since it isn't possible to forward 2 ports at once. We'll be trying to figure out changes to make to UPnP to work around that problem, and to find out why it works perfectly for some people and not others.


(Also, I would ignore what I said about DMZ - I should have asked for your set-up first, you don't need to do that step with the modem you have).

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No, If you set a static ON the game console, do not set a reserved IP address on the router. Use one or the other, not both.

I recommend using a reserved IP address ON the router and set all game consoles to Automatic. Let the consoles get the IP address from the router.

This maybe one reason why your having problems.

I would also connect the XB1 directly to the router first while your trying to get OPEN NAT on it as some APs can hinder some connectivity and port usage. At least test it all out directly with the router first. Then connect wirelessly.


Also Depending on which console is turned on will dictate port 3074.

I would try Rilla AUs process and see:



He seems to get OPEN NAT on 4 of his consoles at the same time...

my modem is a modem...its not a combo...when i had just had my netgear i had that router dmz and my ps4 and xb1 had a static adress such as with the R1.....im not sure if im following you right....should i not have my ps4 static such as and then go into the dhcp lease and check reserved?...

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It's also worth keeping in mind that Moderate NAT readings can be false; if your console / game is showing Moderate, I would see what it feels like connecting to lobbies / in-game and judge whether the reading is false. Here at Netduma, we have 2 Xbox Ones which always show Moderate console NATs, but play perfectly fine since those readings are incorrect.


I know it's a really annoying issue though - we are working on DumaOS right now, but this issue is going to be our main priority to find a solution for after we launch DumaOS. I'm also aware that most routers struggle with this issue as well since it isn't possible to forward 2 ports at once. We'll be trying to figure out changes to make to UPnP to work around that problem, and to find out why it works perfectly for some people and not others.


(Also, I would ignore what I said about DMZ - I should have asked for your set-up first, you don't need to do that step with the modem you have).

Again thanks a lot for the feedback....as of right now I have tried everything anyone as offered and for now im just sticking with being in UPNP and and xb1 being open and im playing on moderate ...sometimes I cant tell if its playing bad or its just me haha....I do pull some good games like that...but I'll just try to wait it out for the dumaOS..maybe that will be a savior for me. No worries with the DMZ...I forget some people on here have the combos from the cable company...I just found it cheaper in the long run to buy my own instead of "renting" one from the cable company.

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No, If you set a static ON the game console, do not set a reserved IP address on the router. Use one or the other, not both.

I recommend using a reserved IP address ON the router and set all game consoles to Automatic. Let the consoles get the IP address from the router.

This maybe one reason why your having problems.

I would also connect the XB1 directly to the router first while your trying to get OPEN NAT on it as some APs can hinder some connectivity and port usage. At least test it all out directly with the router first. Then connect wirelessly.


Also Depending on which console is turned on will dictate port 3074.

I would try Rilla AUs process and see:



He seems to get OPEN NAT on 4 of his consoles at the same time...

Ok...what I did was set the reserved as a static like I did with my other router....so where the R1 isp is a I just changed the 1 to a higher number and set my ps4 to that number as my static under customs not automatic and then on the R1 under reserved I clicked the box and put my last 3 numbers in that box. So I shouldnt do that? ...and as for using the reserved and then letting the console do it automatically...click reserved and the put the last 3 numbers in the box from the WAN number that shows on the R1?...also, is there a way to do the xb1 that way with it being wireless on the netgear?...or should I keep the ps4 wired to the R1...and also wired the xb1 to the R1 and then use the netgear as a AP wireless for everything in the house? 

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Ok...what I did was set the reserved as a static like I did with my other router....so where the R1 isp is a I just changed the 1 to a higher number and set my ps4 to that number as my static under customs not automatic and then on the R1 under reserved I clicked the box and put my last 3 numbers in that box. So I shouldnt do that? ...and as for using the reserved and then letting the console do it automatically...click reserved and the put the last 3 numbers in the box from the WAN number that shows on the R1?...also, is there a way to do the xb1 that way with it being wireless on the netgear?...or should I keep the ps4 wired to the R1...and also wired the xb1 to the R1 and then use the netgear as a AP wireless for everything in the house? 

Also e38brimmer....I tried the connecting 1st to see if the R1 will give me the 3074...and it doesn't do that on mine...once I sign in...and then I look on the upnp page it automatically gives me 9308 port...everytime....I will then have the xb1 log on and it goes to 3074....I have shut everything off and logged on and off my ps4 several times just with the ps4 on and xb1 off...and I get the same 9308 port everytime...I cant figure out how to get the 3074 port to me unless I port forward.... 


and as always thanks a lot for all the feedback and help youre giving me

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Correct, don't do it the way you have been. Use a reserved IP address ON the router and set all game consoles to Automatic. Let the consoles get the IP address from the router.


Leep the ps4 wired to the R1...and also wired the xb1 to the R1 and then use the netgear as a AP wireless for everything in the house.


Ok...what I did was set the reserved as a static like I did with my other router....so where the R1 isp is a I just changed the 1 to a higher number and set my ps4 to that number as my static under customs not automatic and then on the R1 under reserved I clicked the box and put my last 3 numbers in that box. So I shouldnt do that? ...and as for using the reserved and then letting the console do it automatically...click reserved and the put the last 3 numbers in the box from the WAN number that shows on the R1?...also, is there a way to do the xb1 that way with it being wireless on the netgear?...or should I keep the ps4 wired to the R1...and also wired the xb1 to the R1 and then use the netgear as a AP wireless for everything in the house? 

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Yeah...I did everything you said...and im still running moderate and when i look on the upnp page...the R1 gives me the port 9308 not matter if im online with my ps4 or the with the ps4 and xb1 online...for some reason when im online the R1 just will not give me the port 3074...which defeats the purpose of having this router...i mostly play Cod game...and running moderate doesnt work will...if i port forward the 3074 (again it makes his xb1 go strict..his games and console) i think go open for COD..and i feel i see a difference. I also tried wiring his xb1 to the R1 with my ps4 with upnp and im still moderate on every COD game...and i played ok yesterday ut once he got online with his xb1 i started lagging and had to put the xb1 wireless back to the netgear. Maybe im not understanding and this goes for whoever reads this...I dont think or see how its a "false reading of moderate" if im not getting the port that blops3 is wanting...i get its the game for online using that one port...but under nat moderate in the game its saying they tried to use the udp 3074 and cant...if its not the port that needs to make the game open...then thats why..its not a false reading..correct? 


Also I bought another netgear r7000 and ran the old netgear r7000 in AP...and we both stay open on every game now matter what...i dont understand why the R1 doesnt do that?....Ive worked on this since christmas...im thinking i just just go back and buy the netgear again and just have open on everything. its so frustrating ...bit i really do thank you guys for all the help...im just lost now.

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