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Can we hypothesize/explain 'how' the various symptoms occur?

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We all know about IW woes. Does anyone have an understanding on why and how? For peace of mind/ healthy discussion purposes...


(Always assume here that said user took the time to optimize the connection. For example, I'm dialed in for the best possible ping I can get, which is ~28-32 ms, and also 'A' ratings across the board, including a low 2-4 ms jitter and 0% packet loss, etc etc)...


1) Situation where no matter what, i.e., even when Geofilter is disabled, whenever playing with friends, *if someone leaves/joins etc, and so host backs out after a match to pick up said person... it is at best impossible to ever join a lobby from there on. (Have spent plenty of time watching the interface seemingly try to find a lobby but just end up watching circles appear and disappear etc etc)

- This includes but goes beyond the issues with the 2 minute thing we face when geo is enabled. I'm talking about well after 2 minutes, still coughs and hiccups, whether I'm solo or with friends, who the host is in the party, and/or whether strict mode is on/off. I'm positive I'm not the only one experiencing this. (Hoping?)


Q: So - what exactly is going on? Is it something easily understood if one fully understands how matching works? I pretend to myself as rationale that it's something to do with where the Duma 'taps in' to IW's matching process, such that whenever I leave a game, leave a lobby after a game, etc., that somehow there is a failure for IW and Duma to interact correctly, creating wonky subsequent attempts to join a lobby.


Am I close? Ha


2) If the concept is really as simple as 'preference' to joining lobbies based on geo and/or PA settings, why is there a relentless, um, situation where it's very challenging to find lobbies based on said criteria you set up? This game is hellbent it seems to connect me to servers I want to avoid, but after the very first 'successful' connection/game played using my settings, it all falls apart... as in, for example in the lobby waiting for next game, almost always... it waits quite a while, people leave(?), and nobody joins, and before I know it there's enough in game 2 for only like a 3v4, 2v3, etc.

(And of course after said game 2, I'll back out to try finding a 6v6, and succumb to 'backing out' Issue 1 above. Lol).


Q: Is there a working explanation for this?



Just trying to figure it out beyond the staple 'IWs code is garbage' per se.


Cheers :)

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Although I have experienced similar problems, they haven't happened for quite a while - with or without the Geo Filter on.

When I play solo I play without the Geo Filter, when in a party we often play with the Geo Filter, and this just doesn't happen to us unless the servers are about to fall over.


There is a known bug in IW where, if someone from your party leaves the lobby/game, you can have problems getting everyone back into the pre-search lobby and everyone has to reload the game - supposedly to be patched shortly.


The 4v2, 6v3, 4v4 issue, is mostly just down to people backing out of lobbies at the last minute when they notice a high KD, or people backing out of games as soon as they get killed a few times. Not sure why the games take so long to fill an in-progress lobby though, we've commented on this in our party a lot. Certain it's nothing to do with the Netduma though.


I've not seen an issue where, when backing out of a lobby to collect a dropout, you're unable to get a game.

If ever it takes any time to get a lobby we just bounce it back to the previous screen and search again and it finds one very quickly.


I don't really have an answer for you. Perhaps your Geo filter is set too small?

As to why this happens when you back out lobbies to pick up the dropout, I have no no idea unless it's related to the same small-sized Geo radius.

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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. My geo is large actually but admittedly a bit atypical as I'm trying to favor certain servers over others and I'm convinced the inability to join has something to do with the 'battle/conflicts' with the Duma wanting to get me/party on one server but the game is hellbent on not allowing this per se.


I'm pretending (as I'm just not a coding guru) for peace of mind that there is perhaps just some wonky conflict that takes place due to some core/fundamental way IW matches people up and the core/fundamental way the Duma works to exert its effects. Bottom line is, unless everything is turned off, it's all kinds of problematic... beyond the bug stuff (albeit that's another great point as well).

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Colonic I've seen this very same thing that he's describing. I've seen lobbies full of people disappear only for me to disable the filter after sitting for 5-10 minutes of nothing and join the exact same lobby that was full to begin when the cycle began. So that points to the only person backing out of the lobby was me. It seems to literally block you out of your own working lobby. I've had it happen with parties as well as while alone. I see it less when alone but still the same effect. I know the difference between people coming and going and a lobby issue. The only time I see a lobby issue without the filter enabled is when the servers are down or going down.


When this happens, it happens with the Geo filter off as well - it just happened to me 2 minutes ago (with the Geo OFF).

As the Geo filter is off it obviously isn't the Netduma. There is literally nothing that the Netduma is doing that would cause this.


People are just assuming the Netduma is to blame because everyone in here has one thing in common, the Netduma.


Unplug it if you want, play for a week without it, it'll still happen.

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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. My geo is large actually but admittedly a bit atypical as I'm trying to favor certain servers over others and I'm convinced the inability to join has something to do with the 'battle/conflicts' with the Duma wanting to get me/party on one server but the game is hellbent on not allowing this per se.


I'm pretending (as I'm just not a coding guru) for peace of mind that there is perhaps just some wonky conflict that takes place due to some core/fundamental way IW matches people up and the core/fundamental way the Duma works to exert its effects. Bottom line is, unless everything is turned off, it's all kinds of problematic... beyond the bug stuff (albeit that's another great point as well).


You're welcome.

In which case, in addition to my above post (it'll happen anyway because there's something funky about IW matchmaking), you're probably running into issues with the 'lobby host' (not the dedicated servers that the games play on).


If you watch the Geo, when a lobby fills, you'll see it picks a host. Click it and you'll see it's not a dedi.

When the game actually starts, it changes to a different host (which is actually a dedi).


It seems like the game picks a player to be a lobby host, unless it's some kind of match-making server, and then you all get dropped on a dedi to play the actual game.

If this 'player host' happens to be outside of your chosen parameters (radius/pa) then you will get kicked, even if everyone else and the dedi are within the circle.

Why Activision have decided to go this route is beyond me. The servers are sometimes great and sometimes they're total cack.

It could also be that the match-making is trying to pick a player-host that has a stable connection and a load of bandwidth, in case it can't get you onto a dedi (there's a surprising amount of P2P in IW). Maybe if no connection matches these criteria in the lobby then it doesn't pick a host, people get bored and back out - I know I do.


At this moment, I'm playing on a server with a 7.5ms ping. The highest ping I have to the 'far away' European servers is under 15ms.

But Activision have been anything but strict when it comes to deciding what is an acceptable ping to throw in there with my sub-15ms connection.


I don't know if there aren't enough players or if they have gone the route of 'anything-will-do', or if they're just chocolate teapot servers.

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Did you wait two minutes?


I didn't need to. When I play solo I don't have the Geo Filter turned on.



I've been playing without it all week an not one weird issue other than being thrown in lobbies from God knows ....


This is the first time it's happened to me all week, through the whole of the 2XP included.

Either you're very lucky or you're lying.


The update has introduced a ton of bugs into the game as well.

Right now, none of my buttons are working because I let my pad go to sleep - I can't move in the menus at all.

Yesterday it kept crashing after completing games and said I wasn't signed into my Xbox - when I go to sign back in, I'm already signed in.


This is not the Netduma causing the problems.

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I'm lying. I played MWR all week but same things have been experienced there.


It's a shame you don't use the filter when playing solo. That's the only time most of us use it and it works without blocking lobbies.


Thought so.


I would use it if I needed to but as the 'worst' ping I get to the dedi is under 15ms there's really no need.

I used it all the time on BO3 but I have changed (and much improved) my internet since.

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