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slow interface when enable host filtering.

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Hello to all.


when i enable host filtering the router is very slow.


it maybe takes a minute to refresh a page.

when i disable it everything ok


is there anything i must check?




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Post in the 1 on 1 section: http://forum.netduma.com/forum/66-request-1-on-1/and I will have a look. Let me know dates/times you'd be available next week.


Please read this first before making the post: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/11450-read-before-posting-a-1-on-1-request/

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chrome and also using it from inside steam witht he steam browser.

What browser are you using?





Just curious. You wouldn't happen to have upnp enabled along with port-forwarding.  If so only use one or the other. Conflicts can occur. 

 i have disable upnp and hyper lane.


when i upgrade to windows 10 it was fine. no i have reinstall the windows 10 and have the problem again.


i have i idea to check with my old  modem and see if it does it again.



Fraser no need to trouble you i will check it again and inform.

i am please with the overal support and the router. :)


thanks again.

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Well yesterday i swap my tplink modem router with a old oxygen modem router. And the problem was gone.

So the problem is not from the browser or something on my pc but bettwen the moted and the router.


I dont know of the team needs more info in order to help you find the problem.


If you want to check for any other detail i can check it.

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