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No access to COD Servers Using NetDuma

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Over the last two weeks, I have been unable to access the Call of Duty servers (Infinite Warfare, Modern Warfare Remastered, Black Ops III) using the NetDuma router even though I have access to the internet and successfully sign-in to XBOX Live.  If I disconnect my NetDuma, I am can successfully connect to the Call of Duty servers.  I live in the Phoenix, AZ metro area, but I have my filter distance centered in Las Vegas, NV with a 1862km distance.  I can purchase games online and my internet connections works great - just no access to the Call of Duty servers.  Has anyone else seen a similar situation or have any suggestions?

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What message are you receiving on the Xbox?


Have you tried turning off the Geo filter? Maybe your settings on there are causing a problem.

I can't see how though because, even if you were blocking all servers, you should still be able to get P2P games.

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I am getting the "Unable to Connect" error when attempting to play COD online.  It was working and then it comes and goes.  If I disconnect the NetDuma everything works fine.  I have expanded my GeoFilter and I get the same result.

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  • Netduma Staff

I am getting the "Unable to Connect" error when attempting to play COD online.  It was working and then it comes and goes.  If I disconnect the NetDuma everything works fine.  I have expanded my GeoFilter and I get the same result.

Check your Xbox NAT type and your in game NAT. If they're both open, try turning off the Geofilter and see if the issue persists. If you have a moderate / strict in-game NAT try only turning on the Geofilter when you've booted up the game. Also, try ColonicBoom's advice above.

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