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Opinions on IW Beta?

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I posted in another thread explaining how I felt about the beta so far. It's a 50/50 game just like Black Ops 3,. The hit detection is better, but there needs to be some sort of improvement when killing your enemy. I feel that in this game its very difficult to get double kills and just getting kills in general. Here's my opinion from the other thread:


I'm not 100% into it like i was the first day it came out, heres why:


When the game first came out, I was able to know all of the spawns in less than an hour since I'm very good at predicting that (10 years cod experience). People didnt know S*** and it made things easier. Now during the second day, thats not the case. It seems like people are more aware of what is going on and it seems like the lobbies are very  different than yesterday and now I kinda dont like the game.


I originally wanted better hit detection for the game, but not like this hit detection.. The hit detection is so different that sometimes even when you shoot first theres a chance you will lose, most of the time. Even jump shotting cant help you, which is good and bad at the same time. Even with the good hit detection, you cant win the gunfights like you thought you would, also very hard to get double kills with the way they have it set up. Dont get me wrong, its very good hit detection, but most of the time for me it's good but i always die way too quick before I even get the chance to react, which is why im not liking the beta for the second day..


I feel that even during the beta as of right now, we arent gonna know if the game is gonna be good or not. as of right now, I have a 50/50 opinion on how this game is gonna go as of november 4th. IF.. and IF... they decide to change the servers or something along those lines, theres a chance that the Duma will do better for that and theres a chance that with this hit detection, we will do a lot better than now and theres a chance that the game will be good. 


My rating of the game: at least a 5-6/10


What are your opinions so far in the game? I'd love to know :)

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Think the guns aren't equally balanced. Seen so many ppl running n gunning with sniper rifles annihilating me. Empty half a clip in it someone they turn around 1 shot me. Kill cam lies obviously but everytime it shows me not even shooting and they seeing me like 5 seconds before.

Gotta be beta obviously. Doesn't happen on bo3. Seems the pay loads are extremely under power. Fire a few off and ppl able to flinch and shoot me instantly? Like wtf. Seems laser guns do hell of a lot more dmg. . I like you can't jump hella high. But seems very unbalanced. Smgs don't do Shit for dmg

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They already dropped one update so obviously they paying attention but the snipers in any other game. Almost no way In hell u can run n gun, hip fire. Like I've seen in IW. Reminds me of kids with dsr using trick shot Controller mods. Needs to be a much bigger delay. Seems like the payloads need a slight buff. The melee payload is like a joke. Should be able to move extremely fast, not normal running. Makes it pointless. They show it blazing fast n the video.

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I think mechanics wise and netcode it's topnotch.  Design wise it's horrible.  The characters don't even look legit.  The maps look ok but not spectacular, nothing like some of the scenes/backdrops in BO3.  It feels tighter and more crisp playing but looks like a child's game.  Also the character movements when you watch them or shoot at them look and feel like you are playing bots.  Even when you watch someone side strafe in the boost their legs just dangle to one side or the other like they're dead.  

Historically, when a game starts selling 'supply drops' or 'pay to win' modes, the game franchise is at a standstill and out of touch with it's customer base.  No more obvious than the entire world screaming for older versions to be remade and they(ACTIVISION) go 'MORE ROBOT.'   To me it feels like they had one plan, poor turn out on early purchase, then they decided to go to plan B and basically it's thrown together.  Ghosts was turd but at least it had some new features, AW was a turd but again, new features.  This just feels like a remake of a remakes remake.  Anyway, my 2 cents. 

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Ya seems like they took bo3 and aw skills set. Ghost hit detection. Threw it as one. One big pet peeve I noticed is the uav. The way they keep everyone inside. They should have went sat coms or something. It's next to impossible to shoot down a uav inside a building. Like wtf were they thinking. Makes it so u need ghosts nonstop. Which we can't get till hiiiigh lvl

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Another issue that im running into is that I was able to get the higher streaks, and my god... they are THE WORST f****** scorestreaks i have ever used since ghosts.. For something thats not that easy to obtain, they need to seriously buff them. It's ridiculous.

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Feels like BO3 -- 90% getting dropped instantly and getting laggy hitmarkers despite a great connection (<10ms, <0.1ms jitter), 10% playable.


I watched a friend stream the game and it looks like BO3 did for him; someone shows up on screen, he reacts first and doesn't miss, and gets the kill. For me it's like people are shooting the frame they're on screen and they're aimbotting, but in their world they reacted normally and aim like a normal person waving their stick around and missing shots. I get dropped in 2 or 3 shots from an SMG that needs 4 or 5 shots to kill, but I can snap to someone, put 10-15 rounds on target and register maybe 3 or 4. Hitmarkers will be so delayed I can turn 90-180° away from a kill and then hear the final hitmarker.


I've still not seen anything perform as consistently as Ghosts did for hit detection, which is a shame considering how boring it was.

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