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Lag Comp, Hit Detection, And Proof

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My suggestions:


70/70 anti-flood

Reset device prio, share excess on

Console in hyper traffic

UPnP OR port forwarding enabled, not both. Disable UPnP forwarding in misc settings if you put it on

Auto&bleeding edge cloud enabled and apply. Hit apply if already selected.

~1000km radius

Strict on

Ping assist 0. 

ALL devices connected to the R1, disable WiFi on ISP hub to prevent automatic connecting 

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I could not record the gameplay as I had a hard time trying to get it. So at the moment I could not show proof, also idk how to put the video on here without putting it on youtube. 


Dog, Tried the settings, worked for a little and then went back to not working, but its ok.Thanks for helping man :)


Fraser, I will try those settings. I have school in an hour so I will definitely let you know after how it is.


AnnonymouS, I live in NJ, I pay for 100 mbps with optimum or cable, whichever you wanna call it. If you want, send me a private message on here and we can work with it from there. Thanks for the offer :) just let me know when we are doing this. 

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Here are my observations of BO3.  In the beginning of BO3 up to the updates from a month or two, I got better gaming performance on servers with higher pings.  As an example, I am in San Diego, California.  The closest server is Los Angeles with a host ping around 15mS.  I found playing on a Texas server with a host ping of about 50mS plays much better for me.   Normally, I am playing with friends who are party leaders in central USA or east coast.  Normally, they play very well for me. 


In the past month I have noticed that I really struggle with getting kills after the most recent updates.  I just assumed that it was due to the low player count and getting players from all over the US regardless of their connections.  The one thing that I noticed is the inconsistency of the gun fire.  For example, I can be shooting the VMP or Kuda and there will be delays in the shooting.  It is not a consistent fire.  I just assumed that it was the lag compensation or connection issues.


This weekend most of my friends were burnt out of BO3 and playing other games; therefore, I decided to play on my son's account to level him up since he only plays Zombies.  It would also give me chance to play around and goof off.  I decided to leave the geo filter off and I was consistently getting the LA host.  The game play and hit detection was really good.   I was dominating and consistently getting my 2+ k/d.   It was playing like it used to play.  The VMP and Kuda were melting and delivering a very consistent gun fire sound.


After a few hours of playing, I decided to try it with geo filter on and playing on east coast servers.  I really struggled to get kills, and the gun fire sounds were inconsistent with delays again.  


I then disabled geo-filter and tried again on local.  I then got good game play again.

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Working on your settings now and I'm confused by the all devices connected to r1, disable wifi on isp hub. so basically get rid of the apple router and connect all devices to r1? I'm confused

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I could not record the gameplay as I had a hard time trying to get it. So at the moment I could not show proof, also idk how to put the video on here without putting it on youtube.


You can't upload it onto this forum directly Monzo, it has to be uploaded elsewhere (youtube) and then linked/embedded on here.

Otherwise people would just post up loads of boring videos showing their 'leet skillz' where they beat a bunch of noobs and it would bog the forum down.



I'm confused by the all devices connected to r1, disable wifi on isp hub. so basically get rid of the apple router and connect all devices to r1? I'm confused


It just means that if your network is setup like this:

ISP hub > Netduma > Xbox + Laptop + Phone + PS4


Then the wifi MUST be disabled on the ISP hub, otherwise devices can connect to it's wifi and then they will be 'outside' of the Netduma's congestion control.



However, if you're setup like this:

Modem > Netduma > Apple Airport > Xbox + Latop + Phone + PS4


Then you should disable the wifi on the Netduma and enable the wifi on the Apple Airport (but make sure the Apple router is set in 'Access Point' mode).

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This is how I have it set up:


Modem - Netduma - Apple router - other devices except xbox, ps4, and pc. The ps4, xbox and computer are wired into the Duma.


The duma is set to wireless off and Apple router is set to bridge mode. I think I tried putting it in access point last time and I think I caused everything to not work, leading to apple having to be called. 

What i notice is that even when duma is wireless off, the other devices are still detected on the duma which doesnt make sense, leading to everything being on congestion control. Am I doing something wrong?

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This is how I have it set up:


Modem - Netduma - Apple router - other devices except xbox, ps4, and pc. The ps4, xbox and computer are wired into the Duma.


The duma is set to wireless off and Apple router is set to bridge mode. I think I tried putting it in access point last time and I think I caused everything to not work, leading to apple having to be called. 


What i notice is that even when duma is wireless off, the other devices are still detected on the duma which doesnt make sense, leading to everything being on congestion control. Am I doing something wrong?

Monzo, down load this profile, you will have to change your upload and download settings

your home location will be changed due to the servers in NJ is shit and you will have bad game play on them. Also your set up needs to be changed as far as i can tell.  


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This is how I have it set up:


Modem - Netduma - Apple router - other devices except xbox, ps4, and pc. The ps4, xbox and computer are wired into the Duma.


The duma is set to wireless off and Apple router is set to bridge mode. I think I tried putting it in access point last time and I think I caused everything to not work, leading to apple having to be called. 


What i notice is that even when duma is wireless off, the other devices are still detected on the duma which doesnt make sense, leading to everything being on congestion control. Am I doing something wrong?


You are set up correctly.

It's the same setup as mine (but with a different router as an Access Point).


And no, you're not doing anything wrong. The Netduma is detecting the other devices through the Apple router which is why they show in congestion control.

That's exactly how you want it to be so that all devices fall under the Netduma.

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that's what you think, I don't.


You are set up correctly.

It's the same setup as mine (but with a different router as an Access Point).


And no, you're not doing anything wrong. The Netduma is detecting the other devices through the Apple router which is why they show in congestion control.

That's exactly how you want it to be so that all devices fall under the Netduma.

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Thanks for the help so far guys. AnnonymouS, tried downloading it, cant open the file. Message me back and we will continue this further.


Fraser, I haven't tried all the settings yet. My car broke down yesterday and I have to get a new one sadly because of engine damage. Ill get back to you guys as soon as i can.

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