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PS4 internet connection interrupted

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Hello forum,

recently i get very random internet disconnects with my ps4 and i dont know why. it only happens with the ps4, other devices stay connected. it doesnt even happen in peak times,where i could understand it. upnp is active. i play a lot of fifa 17 and its very frustrating when i get disconnect in game. can someone help me?

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yeah, it seams to be since the start of double xp or it could be that they may be removing dedi servers ready for the new cod beta, just a guess on the last part, but i notice more and more games stopping due to host leaving causing connection interruption message.......which would suggest P2P.

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When i get my connection interrupted and go to device manager i see that my ps4 isnt active any more, while my other devices stay connected. So i dont know why the duma kicks out the ps4 for a second. I think its not the game developer i loose the connection to, because then, i still would be connected to the internet, what it would show me at the device manager page. Do i have to do a factory reset or give the ps4 a new ip?

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