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Just Ordered net duma


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Hello, I play Destiny a lot and tired of all the lagging and people with bad connections. From my understanding , this will help end all of that? I hope i mad a wise choice. I dont have other consoles hooked up since its only me. Did i over do this and not going to utilize the other features it offers. I only play Destiny , 2K basketball. Hopefully this will not interfere with my cable router/modem setup? Thanks all who chime in

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when it arrives connect all devices to the netduma then go into your isp's modem gui and go to the dmz section and put the dumas ip address allocated to it by your modem then you good to go :) you will also need to configure the duma's geo filter for your console.



welcome to the netduma.

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Hi,ive played Destiny for 3000 plus hours,and I've used the Duma for PvP alot.

Yes when geo is enabled it searches for your radius you've set and works well.But it doesn't stop other people joining your radius who have red bar connection.

As Destiny has no dedi just P2p its very hard for Duma to do its job as it's sometimes a Destiny matchmaking issue.

If Destiny itself sorts out Dedi's then Duma will work awesome.Now I love the Duma and it does work,but just don't expect to get KD lifting games,as I said i can't stop those red bars,it helps but it can't stop it.

But least you can see actually how bad there matchmaking is,and use your home location maybe to benefit you.

Let us no how you go.

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Hey, welcome to the forum! 


The other features you're concerned about potentially not needing would be congestion control but I would always advise using that even if you're the only person in your home as things like background downloads on PC's/phones etc can cause lag. Yes the Geo-filter should help out with Destiny :)


Hi,ive played Destiny for 3000 plus hours,and I've used the Duma for PvP alot.
Yes when geo is enabled it searches for your radius you've set and works well.But it doesn't stop other people joining your radius who have red bar connection.
As Destiny has no dedi just P2p its very hard for Duma to do its job as it's sometimes a Destiny matchmaking issue.
If Destiny itself sorts out Dedi's then Duma will work awesome.Now I love the Duma and it does work,but just don't expect to get KD lifting games,as I said i can't stop those red bars,it helps but it can't stop it.
But least you can see actually how bad there matchmaking is,and use your home location maybe to benefit you.
Let us no how you go.


Actually the reason that happens is because Destiny does have dedicated servers. It would be better for Duma users if it was just P2P because you would definitely only have players within your radius. It's a hybrid system so when you block players out it forces them to connect to a dedicated server that connects to you. You still have the advantage over them though, you're not directly connected and have the better connection to the dedicated server.

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