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need advice packet loss

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i have been playing around with the duma trying to improve all aspects too game with the best real time connection.


the issue i have been having is jitter and packet loss  that is very bad for me at times to the point i have to turn off the game i am playing.


i have been doing tests and my ping is 10ms 30ms if i pick the server in the EU (wired) in game with ping assist set to 28 i get very stable lobbies in black ops 3 and other games. sites that measure packet loss report no loss but the duma dose i also feel it in game yet remain on a solid 4 bar at all time.


my base ping according to the duma is 8ms (wired) but still shows 25-30% packet loss the rest is green.


if i run a test for bufferbloat i get a big fat F. 


to fix this i set my sliders to 40% down 30% up i have fiber optic and each device with shared excess off receives 5gb down and 1gb upload

the console i game on gets more as set them as priority i still get packet loss though even with A+ and A for quality. 


what can i do too fix this issue? could it be the line (no faults when i run test) my speeds are 75/20 up the exchange is literally outside dose a different DNS help? do i need a better modem if so please suggest a adls modem to me or anything i could do on the duma to help with this its not just a few spikes here and there its very frustrating  


duma is fully up too date btw


any spelling or grammar i apologise in advance English is not my 1st language i also thank you for reading this and getting back to me in advance!! :) :)





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Im assuming your using dslreports for your tests. If your getting an A for quality (which is packet loss) then its fine but if your score is lower you need to increase your download speed.

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If you are getting a lot of packet loss/jitter I would download and run pingplotter for several hours, and post up a picture of the results. There are several threads on the forum about ping plotter tests and how to set it etc. I would run it with an interval of 2.5 seconds and right click on the graph at the bottom and set it to something like 6 hours. This will enable you to see things a bit clearer and see if it is in fact your line at fault.

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I have just been doing some testing on Pingplotter myself for a few hours, The R1 uses google servers for it's tests and this for me is showing a lot of packet loss. The results can be very sketchy at times. I have also tested twitter and BBC servers and I am getting a nice smooth result so if you do run some tests try and use servers other than google.

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thanks for the advice i rang BT as i was convinced it was my line or modem causing the issue 


they sent someone out because the test they ran looked like there was issues on my line (in my flat)


turns out my line is fine but the cables running into the exchanged had been vandalised a few months back and the person who fixed them  well.. did a shit job


they have since fixed it too the correct standard and have gave me 2 months free line rental for the inconvenience


now any test i run come back fine with zero issues


I will not bother running pingplot test as my gaming experience and the duma are working like they did before


thanks for the advice and happy gaming guys!! 

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