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nat type issue pt.2

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so my setup is modem(wifi on)>netduma(wifi off)>ps4. i had to unplug and plug the modem yesterday for some reason and now im getting a moderate nat type on bo3. i have upnp forwarding enabled on misc settings. ive tried rebooting the ps4 and the duma

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You need to turn off the WiFi on your modem and enable it on the Netduma, if you do not you will have local congestion and jitter issues, you have been told on many occasions to change this.


Turn off your console , reboot your duma and re-try for an open nat

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Surely if the wifi is on at the modem then the modem (or ISP hub or whatever it is) is acting as DHCP... Is this the Duma trying to do the DCHP stuff at the same time?

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If it is it should be for a different subnet or you've got bigger issues.  If you're going to run wifi off the modem/gateway then you're losing the ability to control local congestion completely.  As to your OP,  go into UPnP, untick enable for UPnP click apply to erase ports forwarded, then tick enable to enable the UpNP again and then reboot the PS4.  You should see the new requests and assignments populate. Also make sure in MISC that UPnP forwarding is ticked.  And in your Modem/gateway you need to enable the WAN address of the Netduma as the LAN DMZ for the modem/gateway subnet.  

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