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Gaming Experience Worse Than Previous Router

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Hi All,


So I received my Netduma over the weekend and I have set it up as per the instructions in the box and the fine tuning wiki (link below), however when I try to play black ops 3 my gaming experience it terrible, so much so I have plugged my old router back in to test its not the PSN or call of duty servers which it wasn't as my experience improved straight away. 


As per the instructions I have set my bandwidth/upload and download (these are significantly lower than previously) and tried using the lower and higher values with and without the preemptive and reactive algorithm. Previous download/upload was 70/20 and now its 30/10. My ISP is BT.


I have set up the anti flood to 70/70.


I have an open NAT.


I have added my ps4 to the geo filter and enabled it.


I have set my home location, filter distance (two clicks) and ping assist to 50.


In addition I have also set up the hyper traffic service and device prioritisation as per the help videos on the website.


After games I'm rating the hosts low to hopefully avoid them in the future but there is only so many times I can do this.


I am at a loss as to what to do as whatever I try I experience laggy games where I'm constantly emptying a magazine into thin air only to be turned on and one shot.


This is not the experience I was hoping for so hopefully one of you out there can help me.


Thanks in advance




I should add that I'm using firmware 1.03.6h

ISP Hub>Netduma (I had to remove my Asus router in AP as it wasn't working correctly) 

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If your Asus isn't working properly you probably had something set up wrong, unless it blew up of course.

If your upload/download are significantly lower then you have something set up wrong (see below).

If you provide the details (and screenshots) in the link we will be able to help diagnose the issue.


For full speeds.

100/100 anti flood.

Reactive algorithm.

Reset device prioritisation and tick 'share excess'.

Disable ipv6

Enable turbo.

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Hi thanks for your reply, I will try this to increase my speeds when not gaming. Will I need to reset them all when I am gaming?


Also my maximum download is 76 so can I use turbo?

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Set both CC sliders to 100% if you want full speed when downloading and set to 70% each way if you have devices connected to your network while you game to stop local congestion.


Turbo is not needed for that speed.

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For speeds:

  • Reactive Algorithm
  • 100% anti-flood
  • Share excess enabled
  • Reset device prioritisation & apply
  • Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc
  • Disable deep packet in misc
  • Do a wired speed test from a PC
  • ALL devices should be connected via wifi or ethernet behind the netduma. Nothing should be connected to the ISP hub otherwise congestion control won't work correctly.

When gaming you do not need to change the obscure settings. I would advise when gaming you put 70/70 anti-flood, console hyper traffic. 1000km radius, strict on. PA 0.

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Many thanks Fraser, I will try these settings and come back to you.


I'm assuming PA 0 means ping assist set to 0?




Yes, you are correct.  Ping Assist is a number you can set to accept games outside of your Geo Filter if they are less than or equal to that number.  By setting it to 'zero' you are effectively telling the software that you ONLY want games inside your Geo Filter.

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Cheers guys, would you also recommend using device prioritisation or not bother with the other settings we have employed.


Not had chance to test it yet but I appreciate the feedback

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Cheers guys, would you also recommend using device prioritisation or not bother with the other settings we have employed.


Not had chance to test it yet but I appreciate the feedback


This will vary by personal user and amount of traffic.


******This assumes that you have multiple devices, that they are all behind the NetDuma R1, and that there are more than just you using said devices ******


Think of the Congestion Settings as "My protection against my housemates fucking up my game"

  • If no one is home, you don't need as much slider because you have less to protect against.  No one is opening various windows, queuing downloads, streaming Twitch or NetFlix, etc.   
  • If EVERYONE is home, you are probably going to want MORE SLIDER because you want MORE PROTECTION against all the things your housemates can be doing to mess up those precious 1's and 0's that mean life and death in an FPS.


Now with device prioritization, this is to assign some bandwidth TO or FROM a specific device.


Example:  We have a remote TV that is wifi only to the Duma.  I don't use it much, but when I do, I am usually streaming Netflix/VUDU on it.  Therefor I give this device a slight advantage (like from 15% for everything else, and the TV has 20%) in the bandwidth to make sure I don't get any buffering.


Side note:  Got a roommate streaming violent midget porn at 0200hrs?  Move his dot on the Device Prioritization down to about 1 and take 'Share Excess' off.  He'll get the hint pretty quick. :D


Now, for gaming, the next thing to actively embrace is HYPER LANE!


When you are GAMING:

  • Put the console you are gaming on, in the HYPER LANE.  This effectively gives that console 'Head of the Line' privileges for the gaming packets you need.  They come in first, but they also LEAVE your console first, which can reduce lag locally on your network.

When you are NOT GAMING:

  • This includes downloading that new game, or expansion pack, streaming movies, Torrenting or the like.
  • Take the console out of HYPER LANE  

If you master those, you will be WELL on the way to earning your #DumaArmy Bootcamp badge. :D

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  • Got a roommate streaming violent midget porn at 0200hrs?  Move his dot on the Device Prioritization down to about 1 and take 'Share Excess' off.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I am back again, I have been away and not had chance to implement the changes.


I am still experiencing issues, one minute the game is playing ok/normally and the next its terrible and i have the same issues as before.


Is there anything else I can try?


Im still blocking hosts by the bucket load and its becoming a chore!!

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Everything looks fine there.


Do you have all devices connected to the duma so the congestion control is fully functional?


My settings for bops 3 xbox one


Xbox one in hyper lane

Device priority reset all equal

Bandwidth set into the congestion control.

70% congestion control each way , Reactive.

Geo-filter for xbox covering the UK and Ireland , strict, 0 ping assist.

Ipv6 off in misc settings WAN & LAN

Deep packet off in misc settings

Bleeding edge cloud on in misc settings

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Yeah everything is connected to the duma.


I have everything set as you except I am on PS4.


Oh well if it doesn't improve I will chuck it on ebay and switch back to my old router.



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If it is not working as expected with all the correct settings then I would try a factory reset from misc settings.


Refresh the page when it has rebooted and set it back up from scratch.

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i have switched back to preemptive which has improved things.


any final tweaks to maximise using this algorithm?


btw the ping has always been good (6-8ms) even when gameplay  was terrible.

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