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Geo Filter help bo3

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Hello Guys, I don't believe my geo filter is working, overtime I search a game it jumps straight in to a game, doesn't matter where I put the geo filter location, It seems to ignore the filter and just starts the game without blocking the hosts outside the area

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Yep.  I just posted a message about this just before you.  When the geo-filter is working (in Black Ops 3) it really, really seems to help.  I seem able to stay away from laggers.  I think it's a glitch.  I rebooted the netduma once and it kicked back in but recently that doesn't seem to correct the issue.   Your filter seems to be working, just not doing what you expect.  It does do what you're saying... maybe you have to set the servers you want to play on in your "Allow" box, and then start banning/denying others... eventually that might correct the problem a bit.  Maybe you have to play a couple games until you get chosen as the host by the server... maybe that's when you start seeing all the little, yellow triangles bouncing off your filter bubble... not sure.  You really have to play around with it yourself and become your own expert, over time, because it takes someone who is very familiar with playing the games you're playing that can help you.  Otherwise you get very generalized guidance that probably won't do sh*t.  YouTube videos you see about the Netduma all seem pretty useless.  Good luck!!  (0=

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Please take a screen shot.




Change the service to something completely different then set it back to which ever console you use.


Also make sure you are using bleeding edge cloud in misc settings.


If that does not work, reboot from misc settings.


If that does not work, turn off the Netduma for 5 minutes then restart the Netduma.

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