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Black Ops 3 In-Game

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This seems to be confusing me but on my Netduma R1 router my filter distance of playing opponents is the smallest range of 111km, and on all of my ping tests (Netduma/SpeedTest/PingTest) it is ranging between 13ms-22ms... I am finding lobbies and opponents no problem... How come the Ping statistics whilst playing Black Ops 3 (Options and I can see my Ping and Packet Loss in game) is between 33ms-37ms for 10 seconds then all of a sudden it flactuates to 17ms every now and again for about 3 seconds then goes back to 33ms-37ms. Seems odd as this occurs every game!

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The in game ping is not accurate never trust that and increase your filter radius as 111km is too low. i don't even know how you find games in such a small radius lol maybe you have strict mode disabled or ping assist enabled.

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geo-filter not working properly. Geo-filter set to lowest range and ping set to 0 and i keep getting games from all over the US. this started happening about 3 weeks ago. what happen to temp ban the server that option has disappeared

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Change the service to something completely different then set it back to which ever console you use.


Also make sure you are using bleeding edge cloud in misc settings.


If that does not work, reboot from misc settings.


If that does not work, turn off the Netduma for 5 minutes then restart the Netduma.

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geo-filter not working properly. Geo-filter set to lowest range and ping set to 0 and i keep getting games from all over the US. this started happening about 3 weeks ago. what happen to temp ban the server that option has disappeared


If that's occurring it sounds like you've disabled the Geo-filter or have strict mode off.

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