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Questions about r1 rouer

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum! 


The Geo-filter will enable you to get closer hosts, however given your location there are not many close dedicated servers. Therefore you may be able to force P2P games. 


If your lag spikes are caused by local congestion then yes it will definitely help! If it's caused by line issues we can't help with that, you'd need to go to your ISP about that.

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I wanted to ask another question guys will congestion control help me I am only one using my net and I operate one device at a time so will it help me and my speed is 4mbps down 426-726kbps up so will it help me or control ping spikes cheers

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Yes congestion control will help if you have an other devices on your network even if you are not using them. A lot of devices have background processes running that can affect you networks congestion.

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You may not get as much benefit from the congestion sliders but you will still obtain benefit from the algorithim selected ( reactive vs preemptive) and the prioritisation function as well. 

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It may be worth running pingplotter for several hours at peak times to rule out any ISP line issues first.

You can put the results up here and people will be able to interpret them for you if you are struggling.

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  • Netduma Staff

Is the speed you mentioned (4mbps down, 426kbps up) the speed you're meant to be getting on your package? I would recommend these steps:


- Pre-emptive Algorithm
- 100% anti-flood
- Share excess enabled
- Reset device prioritisation & apply
- Ensure the ethernet cables you're using are correct.
- Do a wired speed test from a PC
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The duma should definitely help you with the issues you asked about as well as keep the host your connecting to in a specific radius the you choose,so no more connecting to a host 5000 miles away and the dreaded distance lag with high ping.

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