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having issue with netduma router

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everything sir because i believed that i setup the netduma router right but when it comes to device prioritizing im having trouble. plus then my devices connected with wifi get affected and i just need some help to properly set it up right

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everything sir because i believed that i setup the netduma router right but when it comes to device prioritizing im having trouble. plus then my devices connected with wifi get affected and i just need some help to properly set it up right


Can you explain the trouble you're having with prioritising devices?


And also what effect are you seeing when the wifi gets affected?

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  • Netduma Staff

Please read this thread: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/11776-please-read-before-posting-a-support-thread/and follow the directions therein. Telling us more about your problem will allow us to help you, as at the moment, we have a very vague idea of what is wrong.

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well when i got the netduma router i followed what the tour explained to do but when it came to prioritizing devices about getting like amounts of bandwidth, it affected all my devices so like for example: if im watching netflix on my ps4 and i gave my ps4 like 60% of the bandwidth to it, my other wifi devices would go slow and my ps4 gets affected as well. but atleast one thing that it does right is telling me who i connect to but if i wanted to play with friends i cant tell who they are because alot of circles appear on the map and since im in NY and i have friends who are in NY i cant really tell who they are and if they have good connection or not. i just need like tech support or someone who can manually check and see the settings on my router.

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  • Administrators

Follow this guide to add your friends to the allow list http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=adding_friends_to_your_allow_list


Are all devices connected to the duma? Are you using anti-flood at all? Reset device prioritisation and put anti-flood to 70/70, does the issue resolve itself?

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yes i have 3 wireless devices and 3 hardwired devices and i did that. i only put 70/70 when im playing online, cause on the guide it says to put everything back on 100% when im gaming online. i just need an expert to look it over atleast for their opinion. like i want them to see if the settings are properly made or if something seems off.

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