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Netduma Ping != In-Game Ping

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My home is set to middle of ocean and ping assists is at 10ms.


In game lobbies always show 17 ms, nothing less.


Host descriptor in Netduma CP shows 4-6 ms.


I'm going to assume its a BO3 problem.




Secondary note, Black Ops 3 (PS4) still hiccups and lags extremely badly. With that being said, BLOPS3 servers are purely CRAP! At 4-6 ms you would think it being a good quality game, nope! Literally feels like I'm playing US-UK lobby and I'm not exaggerating.


My internet



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Use Ping plotter and run a test for 30-60 minutes and see if you have packet loss or high jitter...


I ping my local dedicated server at 9ms with somewhere between 2-15ms jitter...


To be honest, I still have good games in BO3 however.

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Is that FTTP?

I can't see how you can have a 2ms ping to a server otherwise.


But yes, the in-game ping in BO3 is always about 12ms higher than the Duma ping

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I believe that the in-game BO3 ping also includes the latency from game and PS4 processing and response.  I don't believe that it is a true ping.  As Colonic stated, my BO3 ping is typically about 15-20mS higher than the Netduma host ping.

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I tested ping plotter for 24 hours on 2 separate IPs' and only lost 4 packets, it actually registered as 0% loss it was so small.


Netduma Internet Diagnosis shows "Exceptional" across the results.


BLOPS3 game still broken, I refuse to play it anymore.


4ms netduma ping, 16 ms in-game ping, all players at 4 bar, 1-2 ms Jitter Max, 0 packet loss


The following was recorded in just one match, it doesn't do the bigger picture justice in my opinion. This game has become too cheap and non-enjoyable.



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You need to post your plot if you want us to look at it.


You won't want to hear this but a lot of those deaths you were hip-firing, probably missed and got caught in the head (not necessarily the final bullet so it doesn't show a headshot).

Several you just plain missed because you twitched too far - if they didn't miss, you died.


There were a couple of wobbles in connection though because you did rubberband/stutter occasionally, could have been you, could have been the server, could have been them.

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