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Hi there.


I've had enough of BT's awful home hub 5 type A. None of the settings stick or actually work. upnp is a myth on this router.


My NAT is constantly switching from open to strict even though all IP's are set to each device and DMZ is set to my xbox one.

The HH5 hates PSN so I have never had an open NAT to that service either.


So now I'm looking for a new gaming router. I want rid of the HH5 completely. 

New features for the new router must include some sort of bandwidth prioritising.


Now I've heard alot of good things about the netduma, but apparently I have to use my ISP's router which I REALLY don't want to do.


Some extra input or help would really help me decide on whether or not to get the netduma.


Cheers - Sammo.


Also, my upload is around 10mbps and my download is peak 70mbps

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  • Netduma Staff

They're not - it's just the weekend so not so many people are on...


I use the HH5 with my Netduma and it works fine. I'd suggest using the HH5 to avoid having to use PPoE on the Netduma, but if you really want to get rid of it you can use an OpenReach modem.

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well it looks like the forums are dead.


Please accept my apologies I forgot that this was your personal forum and that I should be waiting to answer any questions that you might have even though it's Sunday.

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my only issue is, is that my DMZ w/ xbox one combo is always having issues. Never sticking, always having to reset router and wrestle with it until my XB1 shows open nat. How do i know that it won't do the same with a duma? 

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  • Netduma Staff

my only issue is, is that my DMZ w/ xbox one combo is always having issues. Never sticking, always having to reset router and wrestle with it until my XB1 shows open nat. How do i know that it won't do the same with a duma? 


For me it works fine - I don't have NAT issues. I just put the Netduma in the HHs DMZ and then let the Netduma do everything else.

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my only issue is, is that my DMZ w/ xbox one combo is always having issues. Never sticking, always having to reset router and wrestle with it until my XB1 shows open nat. How do i know that it won't do the same with a duma? 


As Crossy said above you would put the duma in the DMZ instead of Xbox. Duma takes care of the rest :)

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