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Black ops 3 dedicated servers on XB1

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I've tried to change my location so that I'm on a German dedicated server on bo3 Xbox one but it doesn't seem to work it just puts me on the crap Irish servers can any1 tell me why this is? And is it just for this game ect?

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The German server you are seeing on the duma is actually an Activision server that is on the PS4.  Xbox One runs off Microsoft's Azure servers and Europe's is primarily Ireland.

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London is also a PS4 server.  Sony runs on Activision's servers.  The Xbox used to run on those same servers but moved to it's own Azure server's midway through Advanced Warfare's life cycle.

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Apart from Ireland why won't it let me join other servers from around the globe like us servers or even in different countries apart from the Ireland one, false advertisement if you ask me the router itself isn't really what it makes out to be, if I would of known what I know now I wouldn't of spent a lot of money buying it in all honestly

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Apart from Ireland why won't it let me join other servers from around the globe like us servers or even in different countries apart from the Ireland one, false advertisement if you ask me the router itself isn't really what it makes out to be, if I would of known what I know now I wouldn't of spent a lot of money buying it in all honestly


It will let you join the US servers, I've played on them.

The only dedicated server on xbox one in Europe (as far as I can tell) is Ireland though.

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So there is only one server in europe


That's what I said.


Not one single server obviously but one server bank.

There may be one in Eastern Europe too (think Russia) but I don't know for certain.

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How did you connect to us server ie geo filter settings


Just put your home location over one of the US servers and turn Ping Assist to zero

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Apart from Ireland why won't it let me join other servers from around the globe like us servers or even in different countries apart from the Ireland one, false advertisement if you ask me the router itself isn't really what it makes out to be, if I would of known what I know now I wouldn't of spent a lot of money buying it in all honestly


The point of the router is to play on servers closer to you not further away from you. However, you can do that if you wish if you do the above.

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Well a normal router would locate you to the closest server for your IP address, I've noticed when I load bo3 up all the servers pop up with locks on them, so i but my home location over the top of them to miss out the Irish server as its too laggy but doesn't connect just won't find a game

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They are not Xbox servers, they may be something to do with matchmaking or they may be PS4 servers - I don't honestly know but I know that they aren't Xbox One dedicated servers and I can't connect to them at all whatever they are.


That's not true, a normal router wouldn't necessarily put you on the closest server to you.

The Netduma can be used with a lot of games and a lot of other games are P2P (MW2+MW3 for example), BO3 happens to be on dedicated servers with only one server bank for Europe (Western Europe at least) so the Netduma cannot show you everything that it is capable of.


If you were a US user, where there are several locations of server banks dotted around the country, then you could select which you wanted to play on.

But with only one bank of servers in Europe (on X1) we are somewhat limited by Microsoft's/Activision's infrastructure.


The Irish dedicated servers actually play very well, if you find that they don't for you then you can force P2P (many posts exist on this so I won't say any more here), or perhaps look at your own connection - the ISP specifically, which appears to be the root of all my connection woes.


I find P2P on BO3 has a terrible connection by the way but some people find that it plays very well over P2P.

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Can you recommend the bestvsettings for me then as I've used reddy on YouTube and various other settings but can't get a good setup I'm on 60mb dl 18ul cheers


Best settings for what specifically?


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Can you recommend the bestvsettings for me then as I've used reddy on YouTube and various other settings but can't get a good setup I'm on 60mb dl 18ul cheers


Have you tried the Profiles?  CoD Ultimate is a good one for BO3.


Have you done any Ping Plotter testing of the line quality itself?


Nice avatar.  :)

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Everyone's is different but mine are as follows...


I have my actual 'speedtest result' bandwidth entered.

My 'Anti Flood' set to 'Reactive' and about 70% Down / 80% Up when I'm gaming*.

And 'Prioritisation' reset (all equal) and 'shared' checked (for BOTH Upload and Download).

I have 'Turbo' checked in 'Miscellaneous Settings'

Xbox One > Xbox Live set in 'Hyper Traffic'

UPnP turned on in the settings.

IPv6 disabled everywhere.

Reserved IP for Xbox One in DHCP Lease.

I think everything else is set to 'Auto' / Default.



Select Games / Services set with Xbox One > Xbox Live.

I have my home set on my actual home (South East England).

The 'Snap To' set with two clicks (Geo covers the whole of the UK and Ireland, Northern France and Western Germany and whatever those places in between are.

Ping Assist set to 30ms.

'Strict' Enabled.


I always get the dedis but they don't always play nice, occasionally I'll 'Temp Ban' a server and jump onto another in the Irish server bank.

But generally I don't bother at the moment because my internet is rubbish and on Tuesday I will be changing ISP from Virgin's wobbly-arse jittery lag-spike dogshit 150/12 DOCSIS3 'magic' turd Cable to <insert alternative ISP> delicious solid super-happy-time Fibre.


*I test my connection on dslreports.com before I play, adjusting the bandwidth sliders down in 5% increments until I get A+ for 'Bufferbloat' and A+ for 'Line Quality' (do the 'Download Cap' until you get what you want and then do 'Upload Cap' afterwards). If you can't get A+ then go for the best grade you can, you just don't want that Bufferbloat ping bouncing too high. If I can't get the A+ with 'Reactive' then I definitely will with 'Pre-Emptive' but it sacrifices more bandwidth.

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Thanks for help guys appreciate it and will try now, I've had my bufferblowt on a+ found a slight diffrence but still losing gun battles when firing first, and glad you like it Dillinger

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