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How to become a Canarie


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Just wondered how us Early Adopter Members can become Canaries, i like testing and playing round with things :). Also im on almost everyday as im wheelchair bound at the moment so time is something i have in abundance LOL.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

We wanted someone from each region in order to ensure everything was working all over the world. There is a thread somewhere that you could state your region/country and if we didn't have anyone from that area we would add you to the secret forum. I'm unsure whether we need anymore people in there but I will look into it :) How is your recovery going by the way?

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We wanted someone from each region in order to ensure everything was working all over the world. There is a thread somewhere that you could state your region/country and if we didn't have anyone from that area we would add you to the secret forum. I'm unsure whether we need anymore people in there but I will look into it :) How is your recovery going by the way?

Not bad m8 stuck in this chair at the moment but might get an air boot next month so thats something to look forward to, but its around a year before i will know if the op has done the trick and all my pain has gone. I have had a sub-talor and full ankle fusion so all i will be able to only move my toes and thats it the rest from the ankle down will be set :(, i just ordered a new PC so that will keep me busy for a while :) just hope i can drive thats the main thing as the kids school is in the wilderness LOL.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Not bad m8 stuck in this chair at the moment but might get an air boot next month so thats something to look forward to, but its around a year before i will know if the op has done the trick and all my pain has gone. I have had a sub-talor and full ankle fusion so all i will be able to only move my toes and thats it the rest from the ankle down will be set :(, i just ordered a new PC so that will keep me busy for a while :) just hope i can drive thats the main thing as the kids school is in the wilderness LOL.


Oh that would be good for sure! Thats quite awhile to be uncertain about it working :( Sorry to hear that man! Nice yeah I think the best thing to do in that situation is sink yourself into your hobbies and keep yourself busy :) Haha well I'm sure whatever happens it'll all work out in the end! Best wishes to you and your family for your recovery :) The silver lining at least is that you can game as much as you want :P

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Not bad m8 stuck in this chair at the moment but might get an air boot next month so thats something to look forward to, but its around a year before i will know if the op has done the trick and all my pain has gone. I have had a sub-talor and full ankle fusion so all i will be able to only move my toes and thats it the rest from the ankle down will be set :(, i just ordered a new PC so that will keep me busy for a while :) just hope i can drive thats the main thing as the kids school is in the wilderness LOL.

I didn't even realize you were hurt. I hope you heal well. I can't imagine being stuck in a chair like that. Good luck my friend.
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Hope you heal up good n proper real soon buddy, I know how frustrating it can be believe me, as a biker Ive had a few moments. lol

Best I managed was ten broken bones in one go, nowhere near as many as evil knievel but a good go :)

Hope ypu get back to normal soon pal.

If you ever want someone to go on point with a really crap score to help with sbmm I am your man. lol

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