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Connecting Outside of Geo and PA

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As you can see from the photo below, I am connecting to BO3 games, on PS4, outside of the geo-filter and ping assist ranges.

This server is located in the right spot. I know because I live in Pennsylvania and I'm pinging 15ms to it. I have my home located in Iowa so I can connect to games with a 35-50ms ping time.


Why am I connecting outside of the parameters I set?

I've done multiple Factory Resets.


I also notice some very small and faint green lines in the slider areas (geo distance, ping assist value, congestion controls, etc).

Not sure what that's about. I've never seen those green lines before. I'm using Chrome as always. I'm on 1.03.6g. 





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That host is outside of your GeoFilter obviously but did you have 'Strict' enabled? If unchecked, it will allow you to connect to dedicated servers outside of your GeoFilter.

Or perhaps you changed the Ping Assist value to zero or moved the GeoFilter or changed radius but didn't give the Netduma time to enforce the change?

I think you have to give it a minute or so, if you make a Geo change, before it becomes active (not sure) as an anti-cheat feature.


Edit. Just seen you're a senior member so apologies if you already know everything I just told you.


PS. I saw in the shoutbox that the PS4 servers went a bit pants this evening, so perhaps that has caused some 'funny business'.

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I too was getting that this morning even with Strict Mode on and PA at zero. But what I did was reboot the R1 after making changes in the settings and voila only hosts inside GF circle again. I unplug the power from the R1 and leave it like that for about 5 minutes. I think that clears it out after a factory reset.

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That host is outside of your GeoFilter obviously but did you have 'Strict' enabled? If unchecked, it will allow you to connect to dedicated servers outside of your GeoFilter.

Or perhaps you changed the Ping Assist value to zero or moved the GeoFilter or changed radius but didn't give the Netduma time to enforce the change?

I think you have to give it a minute or so, if you make a Geo change, before it becomes active (not sure) as an anti-cheat feature.


Edit. Just seen you're a senior member so apologies if you already know everything I just told you.


PS. I saw in the shoutbox that the PS4 servers went a bit pants this evening, so perhaps that has caused some 'funny business'.

I've factory reset it so many times that I may have left Strict Mode unticked. 


Good spot. 

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Let us know how you get on with that FQs19.  It will be good to update the thread with a solution and close it out for future reference, and to take some pain off Fraser trying to be everything in every thread.  ;)

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Cool !


I was changing the congestion the other day for the dslreports bufferbloat test, I must have done it 20 times and was getting the same result over and over.


Then I remembered that I had to click 'Update'.


I felt like a right Toby.

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I too was getting that this morning even with Strict Mode on and PA at zero. But what I did was reboot the R1 after making changes in the settings and voila only hosts inside GF circle again. I unplug the power from the R1 and leave it like that for about 5 minutes. I think that clears it out after a factory reset.


That's the one, a few mins will clear the RAM (I'm told), same for clearing the xbox cache really - unplug the X1 and press the power button a few times to purge any leftover juice.

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Strict wasn't checked fellas.


What a dumb ass. Had this router for over a year now and it just goes to show you that the simplest things should always be checked first. 


Thanks Everybody. 


You can close this thread. 



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Strict wasn't checked fellas.


What a dumb ass. Had this router for over a year now and it just goes to show you that the simplest things should always be checked first. 


Thanks Everybody. 


You can close this thread. 



Will do.

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