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No more complains :-)


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**All of this was done on 1.02.7. I was not aware 1.03 came out today. I play advanced warfare on PS4.**

First off let me start by saying this worked for me. I cant understand why it wouldn't also work for anyone else but if it doesn't..... I finally figured out how to ALWAYS connect to a player host. When I say "always", I tested it 3 times, all after completely being disconnected for over 2 minutes and then doing this process over again. Without further adieu, here is my process.

A little bit about my connection:

Netduma software version 1.02.7
I live in Indiana in the United States
I have 50 down and 5 up connection
I'm hard wired
Ping assist bar is pulled down to 0.


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After that days that I was complaining all time long, today I found the real power of netduma...


I follow the instructions of that post




And i have to said am really excited

Thanks netduma

Today was the first time that I has playing and enjoyed the game..


Really really thanks

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Swizz I have to confirm that your method is working perfectly...


In 20 games today (15 as lobby of 3 people)


We never get dedicated server

And the 90% was really good games

Glad it worked for you as well. If your the only person I helped, it was worth posting. But somehow I doubt that. Lol now that I've had more time to expirement with this, I know you can be in a party chat while doing it. Just thought I'd throw that out here because the in-game chat is absolutely terrible. I've also upgraded to the latest version 1.03.2 and it still works perfectly.
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shizz812 works mostly when in party. Playing solo won't help 9 out of 10 times. Do you play solo?

Sgt., I do play solo. And I still do it. Matter a fact I enjoy it more when it's just me because I don't have to worry about my clan member taking my kills. Lol like I said, completly disregard the in-game connection bars. Just go by what the game feels to you. If it's playing well, who cares what the bars say? And it's not playing well, leave the room, wait two minutes and try again. Shouldn't take more than 2x's to get a good one. Most of the time now I'm not automatically inserted into a in-progress match. I join a lobby that has 2-4 people already and have to wait about 5 minutes to start playing. But just the first match. Then after that it's smooth sailing!

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Agreed, AW is playing much better p2p than with the dedicated servers. The only thing I do differently is that I position my home in such a way that I dont have to include the whole world...just the U.S. I think it's in northern Chile. I find better lobbies (better pings) when not connected to Europe.


Props to OP. I played for about 3 hours yesterday and for an hour or so the day before. I actually had fun on AW. I still had good and bad matches and varied connectivity because it's inherent to the game. But I didnt feel like I was perpetually behind.

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**All of this was done on 1.02.7. I was not aware 1.03 came out today. I play advanced warfare on PS4.**


First off let me start by saying this worked for me. I cant understand why it wouldn't also work for anyone else but if it doesn't..... I finally figured out how to ALWAYS connect to a player host. When I say "always", I tested it 3 times, all after completely being disconnected for over 2 minutes and then doing this process over again. Without further adieu, here is my process.


A little bit about my connection:


Netduma software version 1.02.7

I live in Indiana in the United States

I have 50 down and 5 up connection

I'm hard wired

Ping assist bar is pulled down to 0.



you live right by me :) let's get to gaming

GT: ll abc123 ll



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Adam I tried to direct message you but was unable to. Can you please message me?


If it was to ask why I deleted the process 


While we cant stop you doing this ...


We do not want it posted on our forums simply as you we don't want other customers copying your method and then asking us why they are having issues eg with party chat ect.

whatever issue you have been having on dedis is most likely due to whatever happened in the last patch and i am sure will be tweaked again 

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If it was to ask why I deleted the process


While we cant stop you doing this ...


We do not want it posted on our forums simply as you we don't want other customers copying your method and then asking us why they are having issues eg with party chat ect.

whatever issue you have been having on dedis is most likely due to whatever happened in the last patch and i am sure will be tweaked again

Not to ask m why; I can understand your reasoning. My question is first do you still have my process so I don't have to re type it and second if members dm me,which someone already has, am I allowed to share it with them? I do not want to break any rules as I enjoy being a part of the community.

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Not to ask m why; I can understand your reasoning. My question is first do you still have my process so I don't have to re type it and second if members dm me,which someone already has, am I allowed to share it with them? I do not want to break any rules as I enjoy being a part of the community. Also I don't have any problems at all with dedicated servers. The p2p games are better though. Love the product, no complaints. Thanks for all that you do.

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Not to ask m why; I can understand your reasoning. My question is first do you still have my process so I don't have to re type it and second if members dm me,which someone already has, am I allowed to share it with them? I do not want to break any rules as I enjoy being a part of the community.


no i just deleted it sorry


secondly what you do off of the public space is your own business so you're fine.

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