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Geo Filter On/Off problem

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Hey guys,


I have noticed a problem with the geo filter, when I disable the the geo filter to go into a private game I still get the yellow triangle and will not be able to connect to the host. even if I cover the host (after disabling) It will still appear as a yellow triangle and block the connection. I have tried to allow the host but still unable to connect. I can get around this problem by keeping the geo filter enabled all the time and just cover the host when I need to connect to them and shrink it down when playing pubs. as I said it only happens when enabling and disabling the filter. Just thought it is a bug and could be fixed? 


EDIT: even after leaving geo on and expanding It will still not allow me to join.


Thanks guys :).

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Had a whirl on ghosts for a change before geo over the UK and Ireland, no games found widened to the whole of Europe, nothing.


Turned off the geo filter, nothing.


Waited well over two minutes still nothing, restarted the game and I could join lobbies there is a bug it seems.


This happens on Star Wars also.



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Yeah I found restarting the router does the trick to mod.


It has to be a bug I am sure Iain didn't intend for it to be like this lol.


Zen could you inform Fraser about the possible issue?


Thanks for your input guys :).

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It seems so yeah Fraser, I will try again tonight to double check the issue but that is what as been appearing to happen.


Will post back as soon as I have double checked save wasting time looking into it if I am just being a retard here xD.

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I loaded star wars and forgot to take the geo off, so i unticked enable, refreshed and found a game right away.


My issue maybe that I am on my phone when I enable/disable and i think the page is not refreshing its self correctly using safari/iphone.

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